So its the second last day of Feb hey?! I wonder how those February 29ers are feeling? Ridiculously young and good looking? I can imagine all the age cards you can't get on this day. Today its raining again like crazy, it has been raining in Queensland for 3 days now and already people are dreaming of sunshine again because hell we are feeling sad. To me this is quite ironic because when I lived in London I was told to be aware of the 'SAD' syndrome where weather affects how you are feeling and to take a break to the sunshine. The difference? London might see 3 days of sunshine in 3 weeks consistently and Australia has seen 3 days of rain in 3 weeks of sunshine. hahahaha. What great little idiosyncrasies you find in humanity when you travel.
Last year I went to the Brisbane Writer's Festival. It was fantastic. There was plenty of authors to see who a mind field of interesting tips you could take on and assist you revolutionise yourself and your writing, but the biggest thing that kept patterning its way through conversations was the fact that the authors encourage you to canvas society and look for the idiosyncrasies you find, the interesting things that we do and the comparisons we can make between people who are otherwise no different to us. Australia is full of idiosyncrasies because like many other nations we are abundantly multicultural; makes for some damn good writing. With this is mind I am going to share with you a piece I wrote in the Brisbane Airport as soon as I landed back from London, it sheds light on the immediate differences I saw between my longest standing experiences. Living in Queensland, Australia and Living in London. Unfortunately I cannot get the link to work, so please read...A 'Duality of sorts...'
As you ponder on those thoughts, here's an image summing up the current situation here. Enjoy your day! No matter the weather!
Image courtesy of Jason Vella
Wednesday, 27 February 2013
A duality of sorts: Australia takes on England minus the cricket
We all know there is a long entrenched tradition that is English bagging Australians and Australians bagging the English, but what happens when you hold dual citizenship? You never lose out, that's what. Its the best of both worlds and you gain the art of laughing at yourself! Enjoy my read about the....
The English complain about the wet and cold, the Australians
complain about the sun bloody poking them in the eye…yet they still don’t wear
sunglasses. We shorten every single word. Eggs benedict- no, eggs benny people.
Makes us immediately slightly bogan and probably also the reason why we are
perceived as being a little more laid back- everything is shorter- less effort
to talk means more effort for something else right?!
A feed that is more than 5 dollars is expensive. Struth, let’s not pay that, but by all means as soon as you see duty free we will by every way possible stock up to our alcohol maximums- we’re not alcoholics, we are money savers. Don’t get it confused.
Pay for your wi-fi Australia, $5 for an hour isn’t too much to ask is it and we’ll take your card details as well, but at least you don’t have to pay to pee right? It's 15 degrees outside, possibly even 20 but that is freaking cold- beanie up or you’re a tosser, understood?
And last but certainly not least, if you do not sit in the food court, hog the seats whilst flicking through all the pages of the paper and then fix your eyes on the sports section only for hours on end- there is something wrong with you. Go and buy a paper. But don’t leave it on the table like you would on the Tube, put it in a bin people- you’ll find them in Australia.
While you then ponder the proceedings of the day look around see the ‘Australian way’ and ‘beach culture’ acquaint yourself again with the fact that thongs can be called thongs without people thinking your referring to a g-banger; in fact make sure you don’t call them flip flops unless you want someone to assume you’re from South Australia and let’s face it, those guys aren’t really Australian. Then absorb the State of Origin jersey of Queensland, think about the big game and all the excitement that comes from mullet adorning bogans shouting their mouths off full of team spirit for the second biggest football match in the country whilst Victoria sits quietly and salivates knowing that AFL holds all the money, history & stature that makes Australian sport set apart from the world. For a moment the European football moments of Drogba, Ronaldo and the like are mere memories of the Evening Standard and Metro that once haunted the hourly train ride back to the humble London abode. Both are home. Both are loved, for their own ways.

A feed that is more than 5 dollars is expensive. Struth, let’s not pay that, but by all means as soon as you see duty free we will by every way possible stock up to our alcohol maximums- we’re not alcoholics, we are money savers. Don’t get it confused.
Pay for your wi-fi Australia, $5 for an hour isn’t too much to ask is it and we’ll take your card details as well, but at least you don’t have to pay to pee right? It's 15 degrees outside, possibly even 20 but that is freaking cold- beanie up or you’re a tosser, understood?
And last but certainly not least, if you do not sit in the food court, hog the seats whilst flicking through all the pages of the paper and then fix your eyes on the sports section only for hours on end- there is something wrong with you. Go and buy a paper. But don’t leave it on the table like you would on the Tube, put it in a bin people- you’ll find them in Australia.
While you then ponder the proceedings of the day look around see the ‘Australian way’ and ‘beach culture’ acquaint yourself again with the fact that thongs can be called thongs without people thinking your referring to a g-banger; in fact make sure you don’t call them flip flops unless you want someone to assume you’re from South Australia and let’s face it, those guys aren’t really Australian. Then absorb the State of Origin jersey of Queensland, think about the big game and all the excitement that comes from mullet adorning bogans shouting their mouths off full of team spirit for the second biggest football match in the country whilst Victoria sits quietly and salivates knowing that AFL holds all the money, history & stature that makes Australian sport set apart from the world. For a moment the European football moments of Drogba, Ronaldo and the like are mere memories of the Evening Standard and Metro that once haunted the hourly train ride back to the humble London abode. Both are home. Both are loved, for their own ways.

Tuesday, 26 February 2013
A full circle
How often do we do something just because we are 'told' to? Not necessarily by our parents but by society who silently whispers (and sometimes not so silently) their opinions. You know I can completely understand that there are 'appropriate' ways to do things and then there are just ways things are done. But who makes up the rules? A mathematician would say that there is a formula and with that formula will come a certain response. However what then for failures? Science would argue that something tried at least 3 times with the same outcome is therefore true (what I learnt in school); its own kind of formula; yet Science cannot explain everything. Linguistics; linguistics can teach you how sentences cannot purely exist with one word, but are we really sure about that? No. So what is the formula for success?
Recently I've been reading about how people have learnt to cope with struggles and how they have overcome them. Some have been successful by hiring help, talking about their issues or relearning things that were once lost; the ability to function normally for example; however if you put them into a formula they would never be considered successful. Why not? This takes me back to a lecturer at University who was teaching the biomechanics of sprinting to me as a first year uni student. He explained the correct technique for effective sprinting, that it was the fastest and most efficient way of moving the body down the 100metre track and then he paused and said...but if someone gets up and runs like a gumby and beats everyone are you going to force them to change their technique because its not going to be the technique you want it to look like when they are running? We all of course laughed because we were imagining chickens running down a tartan track dressed in Lycra but his point was clear. So it takes me back to writing. Don't know what to write? Who cares. Start small and get bigger. Worried about writing successfully who cares? Just start writing. Writing is the best thing because it gives back to you. It revolutionises you. I'll explain.
You are sad. You write, you get happier. You are happy, you write, you get happier. You are angry, you write, you burn your writing, you get happier.
Each time writing makes you happy, it doesn't matter if someone else was going to pick it up and say, that's not really worth publishing is it now- you've wasted my time! Tssk tssk. All it matters is that your mood turns full circle when you write, you feel better, your world becomes better. Now that might sound airy fairy but I can guarantee you that if you would talk to a shrink they'd advise most people who were worried about their success or any other issues to write them down on paper and throw it away at the end if you want to. The process is not so much the writing but the process. Now your really thinking I'm airy fairy right?! Writing is for us first and foremost, if we right for us it will in its very nature become transparent to somebody else and there you will have your audience. If I write in a journal about sadness, someone even just one person will read it and feel the same afflictions as I do...with that the purpose of writing is achieved, except this time you've created a revolution in someone else. Even if you are just starting small.
So the next time you hear these things:
-Why did you do it that way?
-Why didn't you do it like this?
-I think you should be doing this now.
-You won't be successful if you self publish
-You must make your blog like this
-You know you have no chance without an agent
Give those comments the proverbial rude finger, shake it off like water off a duck's back and say, well you know what...I'm not mathematical and I don't need a formula so just watch, someone will pay attention to my work & when they do I'll be grateful.
Enjoy your evening/day lovelies! Happy Writing & thanks for reading! :)
PS: This doesn't mean though to not take peoples advice, just remember that you don't lose sight of the direction you want your writing to go because someone is advising you on your writing ;)
Recently I've been reading about how people have learnt to cope with struggles and how they have overcome them. Some have been successful by hiring help, talking about their issues or relearning things that were once lost; the ability to function normally for example; however if you put them into a formula they would never be considered successful. Why not? This takes me back to a lecturer at University who was teaching the biomechanics of sprinting to me as a first year uni student. He explained the correct technique for effective sprinting, that it was the fastest and most efficient way of moving the body down the 100metre track and then he paused and said...but if someone gets up and runs like a gumby and beats everyone are you going to force them to change their technique because its not going to be the technique you want it to look like when they are running? We all of course laughed because we were imagining chickens running down a tartan track dressed in Lycra but his point was clear. So it takes me back to writing. Don't know what to write? Who cares. Start small and get bigger. Worried about writing successfully who cares? Just start writing. Writing is the best thing because it gives back to you. It revolutionises you. I'll explain.
You are sad. You write, you get happier. You are happy, you write, you get happier. You are angry, you write, you burn your writing, you get happier.
Each time writing makes you happy, it doesn't matter if someone else was going to pick it up and say, that's not really worth publishing is it now- you've wasted my time! Tssk tssk. All it matters is that your mood turns full circle when you write, you feel better, your world becomes better. Now that might sound airy fairy but I can guarantee you that if you would talk to a shrink they'd advise most people who were worried about their success or any other issues to write them down on paper and throw it away at the end if you want to. The process is not so much the writing but the process. Now your really thinking I'm airy fairy right?! Writing is for us first and foremost, if we right for us it will in its very nature become transparent to somebody else and there you will have your audience. If I write in a journal about sadness, someone even just one person will read it and feel the same afflictions as I do...with that the purpose of writing is achieved, except this time you've created a revolution in someone else. Even if you are just starting small.
So the next time you hear these things:
-Why did you do it that way?
-Why didn't you do it like this?
-I think you should be doing this now.
-You won't be successful if you self publish
-You must make your blog like this
-You know you have no chance without an agent
Give those comments the proverbial rude finger, shake it off like water off a duck's back and say, well you know what...I'm not mathematical and I don't need a formula so just watch, someone will pay attention to my work & when they do I'll be grateful.
Enjoy your evening/day lovelies! Happy Writing & thanks for reading! :)
PS: This doesn't mean though to not take peoples advice, just remember that you don't lose sight of the direction you want your writing to go because someone is advising you on your writing ;)
Saturday, 23 February 2013
It's only just begun...the first story starter
When I say I promise I mean it. So I said I would endeavour to provide you with a beginning/ a start to the Inspiration Station images that were posted yesterday, so here goes. Share with me where it takes you..or if you can it and go somewhere else. I'm an open book & certainly have LOTS to learn still. Enjoy!
It was the day after. I'd awaken from the shelter, walked to the end of the street and decided to see what the aftermath was of the torrential rain that I'd experienced the day before. I can remember how rushed my mind was as I filled my bag with the essentials while the water was quickly rising higher in my bedroom earlier that day. Our town was lucky, we were given plenty of warning to be prepared but with the trouble with storm water drains and living close to a river it still came sooner than we thought.
As I walked outside the shelter and down the street, along the bike path I noticed how tranquil the town had become so soon after the flood had come and gone. The leaves were so beautiful scattered across the path showing their array of colours, the birds were singing delightfully in the trees and the trees once windswept in cyclonic motions now peacefully still. As I lifted my head towards the immediate horizon I noticed a boat. I wondered how it got there, what was it's story. Did someone use it for rescues the night before? And why was it placed near this swollen billabong? I suppose it was one of many stories that would emerge from the flood waters. .......(YOUR TURN!)
It was the day after. I'd awaken from the shelter, walked to the end of the street and decided to see what the aftermath was of the torrential rain that I'd experienced the day before. I can remember how rushed my mind was as I filled my bag with the essentials while the water was quickly rising higher in my bedroom earlier that day. Our town was lucky, we were given plenty of warning to be prepared but with the trouble with storm water drains and living close to a river it still came sooner than we thought.
As I walked outside the shelter and down the street, along the bike path I noticed how tranquil the town had become so soon after the flood had come and gone. The leaves were so beautiful scattered across the path showing their array of colours, the birds were singing delightfully in the trees and the trees once windswept in cyclonic motions now peacefully still. As I lifted my head towards the immediate horizon I noticed a boat. I wondered how it got there, what was it's story. Did someone use it for rescues the night before? And why was it placed near this swollen billabong? I suppose it was one of many stories that would emerge from the flood waters. .......(YOUR TURN!)
Friday, 22 February 2013
Typewriting the placard
Ever wondered what it would be like if writers had there own sign up days like sports days? Placards would litter city streets requesting the company of talented artists to a coffee shop nearby where, if in an alternate time, people would flock with hard leather cases unclip their heavy duty bags, and sit on top of the wooden legged desk a rather heavy duty type writing machine. The click, click, click would permeate conversation about what to write, how to change what had already been written and the notes on where the group would meet next. These days I turn up to Coffee Club with Snow White, my aptly named white Toshiba laptop and I am a pleb of the technological world because I do not have an IPad. I'm already backwards. I might as well have entered the cafe with a brick, but still I love Snow White. She grabs the attention just as I would like her to, for her beauty not her savvyness. I'm not shallow.
This weekend it seems there is stacks of sports placards around the place and so many things for people to be able to get involved in, its fantastic. I cannot remember seeing this many anywhere that I lived. So it got me thinking again what team sport am I going to get involved in and what can I be putting on here to be getting our bodies endorphinised that we are propelled from our couches to our desks putting down our myriad of fantastic ideas?! Here's some I thought you mind like to try over the course of the links to follow. If however you want more..go here...Julia's Fitness Programs I hope you enjoy the workouts & the endorphins racing around your body! I'm off to a different beach this weekend to go Surfing again. Can't wait for it! Will blog soon, but will be writing even sooner! :)
This weekend it seems there is stacks of sports placards around the place and so many things for people to be able to get involved in, its fantastic. I cannot remember seeing this many anywhere that I lived. So it got me thinking again what team sport am I going to get involved in and what can I be putting on here to be getting our bodies endorphinised that we are propelled from our couches to our desks putting down our myriad of fantastic ideas?! Here's some I thought you mind like to try over the course of the links to follow. If however you want more..go here...Julia's Fitness Programs I hope you enjoy the workouts & the endorphins racing around your body! I'm off to a different beach this weekend to go Surfing again. Can't wait for it! Will blog soon, but will be writing even sooner! :)
Please note these images are used to provide a visual of exercises I normally complete myself as part of a program I design for myself as a sports trainer. These images are not my own. The connections to the originals can be found by clicking on the pinterest link.
Thursday, 21 February 2013
Inspiration Station...a gallery of images
I hope you like the may notice some of the pictures and you may not. The bottom image is of AFL- Australia Rules Football, the game of Australia however now played in several other countries. This week you may choose to research some things before you write or you may choose to just write descriptions and go from there. Still stuck? Sometimes I connect images to my own personal experiences and then go from there. Let me know how you go!
A Love Challenge extravangza!
Good Morning peoples. So naturally I guess it goes without saying, I owe you much. I have been quite absent of late. So this one is going to be BIG. First I must update you on the days I have missed for the Love Challenge. The ones that I have listed in chronological order I am going to dot point so that it is quicker and easier.
Day 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
Day 14- Valentine's Day- this day was spent with some great friends doing one of my other greatest passions that give me peace...singing. But while this is what I loved about the day what I loved the most was the fact that one of my friends approach a man who was sitting on his own looking rather miserable to join the group so that he wouldn't be alone. I thought that was a lovely thought.
Day 15, 16, 17, 18
Day 19- On Tuesday night I landed myself in hospital, it wasn't a pleasant experience by any stretch of the imagination. When I arrived in the hospital via ambulance, the ambulance officer tucked me in to my hospital bed- just one lovely extra touch of someone who does that little bit extra in their job.
Day 20- Today. Finally I've caught up, I know what your thinking. This blogger is one slack lady. Today I'm grateful for 3 things already, but I suppose they come under one banner. This morning I received messages from people who are colleagues that said they were pleased I was feeling better and that they missed me at work...this is the first time in a very long time I have experienced such genuine, loveliness in the workplace- I have always known where I work was fabulous and that I am very fortunate but it is times like these that it just affirms it more. I also recieved messages from good friends, some of which have been massive support and provided great joy (perhaps little did they know) recently. On top of that my current house sitting client, Jane (and I suppose boss as well), contacted me to make sure I was ok as well. It just makes me feel so incredibly wrapped up in love. How can anyone feel alone when there is such great people around?! Bless them all.
Phew...that's a heck of a lot of love going on there. But I have finally caught up. I some respects, though I'm sure you are thinking, wow this chick is lazy, its nice that I can still remember the effects and that when I go back over them I can think my goodness there's been so much going on. I find it so refreshing to write these down. How can you think of bad when you are wrapped up in love? It just proves that focusing on the positive is superb! Please check out the following posts for Inspiration Station, Already Read & my general posting of what's been going on lately.
Please do also share with me what's new & thanks to those new readers! I get a kick out of seeing a new person joining each time. I would love to know more about you!
Day 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
- I love how people can sit in silence and enjoy the scenery.
- I love how children smile and say hello even if they don't know you.
- I love how children don't care of your age they still feel like they have something to teach you, adults are tainted by experience and feel like without it perhaps they don't have something to teach- its not a good thing...we should learn from children.
- I love how the rain rejuvinates the earth, and makes things new- but also how fire can damage the earth and also still make things new- its natures proof that through bad things good things still prevail.
- I love how people volunteer their time for valuable causes in a selfless manner.
- Extra ones, but who cares- I love it when in hardship great friends are there to lift you up, take your mind off things and make you smile.
- I love it when you learn knew things and your mind because a buzz of excitement.
Day 14- Valentine's Day- this day was spent with some great friends doing one of my other greatest passions that give me peace...singing. But while this is what I loved about the day what I loved the most was the fact that one of my friends approach a man who was sitting on his own looking rather miserable to join the group so that he wouldn't be alone. I thought that was a lovely thought.
Day 15, 16, 17, 18
- I love how men strike up the courage to say hello to women and even if they make a fool of themselves they still think its worthwhile.
- I love it how people apologise if they feel like they haven't given you the attention right then and there, just because they are courteous and they care.
- I love it how people say things just as they are because beating around the bush isn't an act of loving another...saying things how they are is loving someone, no matter how harsh it first seems.
- I love it when you can laugh with a friend until you cry and it doesn't matter if it doesn't make sense.
Day 19- On Tuesday night I landed myself in hospital, it wasn't a pleasant experience by any stretch of the imagination. When I arrived in the hospital via ambulance, the ambulance officer tucked me in to my hospital bed- just one lovely extra touch of someone who does that little bit extra in their job.
Day 20- Today. Finally I've caught up, I know what your thinking. This blogger is one slack lady. Today I'm grateful for 3 things already, but I suppose they come under one banner. This morning I received messages from people who are colleagues that said they were pleased I was feeling better and that they missed me at work...this is the first time in a very long time I have experienced such genuine, loveliness in the workplace- I have always known where I work was fabulous and that I am very fortunate but it is times like these that it just affirms it more. I also recieved messages from good friends, some of which have been massive support and provided great joy (perhaps little did they know) recently. On top of that my current house sitting client, Jane (and I suppose boss as well), contacted me to make sure I was ok as well. It just makes me feel so incredibly wrapped up in love. How can anyone feel alone when there is such great people around?! Bless them all.
Phew...that's a heck of a lot of love going on there. But I have finally caught up. I some respects, though I'm sure you are thinking, wow this chick is lazy, its nice that I can still remember the effects and that when I go back over them I can think my goodness there's been so much going on. I find it so refreshing to write these down. How can you think of bad when you are wrapped up in love? It just proves that focusing on the positive is superb! Please check out the following posts for Inspiration Station, Already Read & my general posting of what's been going on lately.
Please do also share with me what's new & thanks to those new readers! I get a kick out of seeing a new person joining each time. I would love to know more about you!
Thursday, 14 February 2013
Happy Valentine's Day!
Love is said to be many things but in my experience being in love is something you don't need to think about, the three words leave your mouth as a natural exhalation. They are a confirmation of one's actions not a solitary effort. Therefore, not needed to be said but essential to say if you want your special someone to feel loved. Love manifests itself in many forms, friendship, relationships with family not just with a person who makes us feel validated most. The most important love though is honest love of yourself, without it no one can truly love you or love all of you. So alone or not Valentine's day is a sweet day. Celebrate your awesomeness, the awesomeness of your friends, your partner, your husband, your wife for all of who you and they are- good and not so good. If you have a someone special enjoy your blessing. If your single; enjoy your chance to be independent that bit longer and look forward to that exciting moment where your stopped in your tracks with the realisation of the awesomeness you have just found in another person. I hope you all enjoy Valentine's day!
Sunday, 10 February 2013
It's Sunday, I'm chilled out on the sun deck, two gorgeous golden retrievers at my feet and a spa sitting metres away borking at me as if to say 'you know you want to.' It's right I'm totally keen to jump in and become attacked by its mischievous bubbles. But for a moment I want to spend time with you, it's short & sweet today. I'm writing this bit of text as it comes to my mind, so excuse it's rawness..
Time is the most important thing you have, we each have 24 one hour slices of our pie a day. We may choose to spend it on what we desire, some things we give more hours to and others less. We are told that when it counts at the end our pie pieces don't count, but in fact they do. You see pie is not about eating it for ourselves and being nourished its about getting nourished to commit to the pie again. Those around you, black, blue, purple, Muslim, Christian or not will look at your pie and see in very short spaces of time what you care about the most, they will then hear your words...the mouth never spoke for the feet. Cherish those who are honest but not harmful and pray for those who are contradicting the very persons they are. For those who are afraid give them the ability to have actions that silence the loudest. Don't burden yourself with changes that you won't see n your lifetime or that cannot be made regardless of what you do. Know yourself, love it & when someone tries to rip you to pieces don't forget how brilliantly strong you are. Love others but don't be fooled into using time unwisely who claim to hear but have no ears. Sing loudly, kiss slowly, dance properly, take some stupid risks & enjoy those who imprint positively on your life. You'll never look back and say they weren't worth their slice of your daily pie or your matter how short or long they were there.
Day 8 &9 Love Challenge....I love that great friends become family & I love love meeting new ppl and they suddenly become protective because they think a person is worthwhile, I love that in the country ppl are simple and ppl too but it takes stripping off a few layers (metaphorically of course!)
Time is the most important thing you have, we each have 24 one hour slices of our pie a day. We may choose to spend it on what we desire, some things we give more hours to and others less. We are told that when it counts at the end our pie pieces don't count, but in fact they do. You see pie is not about eating it for ourselves and being nourished its about getting nourished to commit to the pie again. Those around you, black, blue, purple, Muslim, Christian or not will look at your pie and see in very short spaces of time what you care about the most, they will then hear your words...the mouth never spoke for the feet. Cherish those who are honest but not harmful and pray for those who are contradicting the very persons they are. For those who are afraid give them the ability to have actions that silence the loudest. Don't burden yourself with changes that you won't see n your lifetime or that cannot be made regardless of what you do. Know yourself, love it & when someone tries to rip you to pieces don't forget how brilliantly strong you are. Love others but don't be fooled into using time unwisely who claim to hear but have no ears. Sing loudly, kiss slowly, dance properly, take some stupid risks & enjoy those who imprint positively on your life. You'll never look back and say they weren't worth their slice of your daily pie or your matter how short or long they were there.
Day 8 &9 Love Challenge....I love that great friends become family & I love love meeting new ppl and they suddenly become protective because they think a person is worthwhile, I love that in the country ppl are simple and ppl too but it takes stripping off a few layers (metaphorically of course!)
Friday, 8 February 2013
The challenge that gave me plenty of instrinic rewards
This was the challenge that I gave myself as a way of combatting sadness with kind of inacted Love Challenge whilst I was living in London last year. Here's a recap that I wrote last year after I reflected upon how it was going. Enjoy :)
After a few days of ensuring I was committing these random
acts of kindness I began to feel far better about living in London and I also
starting approaching the train in the morning as an opportunity to stand and
not a ‘why didn’t I get a seat’ moment, despite the colossal amounts one pays
per week for a train pass. Perhaps positive affirmations do in fact help more
than one person; the affected, the train driver, fellow passengers and myself.
Who could have thought huh?!
My London challenge
Little people, my friends included, knew about this but I decided after being
shitty at London living one day that I would commit to a UK challenge that I
hoped would have far reaching results. I have to admit I was hoping that at
least one person would react but I wasn’t expecting huge results considering
that my motivation was the very thing that I thought would hinder my
challenge’s success.
I decided that I would commit at least 1 random act of
kindness each day on public transport. It started off with a lady who needed a
pen, it grew to a man who needed a tissue and then developed to a dude who ever
so eloquently doused himself with Coke whilst riding the Jubilee line one late
afternoon amidst the rush home. Each time people had entirely different
reactions. The first time I gave a lady a pen to use for a few seconds it was
like I was a bloody miracle that I had helped her and then when I told her as
the train approached Greenwich station that she could keep the pen it was like
I was suddenly transformed into a female God yet to me I had done nothing.
Several months passed, several acts of kindness committed.
Do I consider myself a hero, no. In fact I consider that I just reaffirmed what
I always thought was going on, people have become so involved with themselves,
tired and also afraid of connecting with strangers that they shut off to their
whole world. That is probably why when I first came to London creating the
analogy of Londoners being dead bodies Monday to Friday and children on
Saturday and Sunday was quite a simple thought process for me. Then I recall
having a conversation with a friend who suggested that society has become so
soft that people are not pushing back and saying that we do not approve of
peoples’ idiotic behaviour for fear of retribution and hence we silently
perpetuate it. But I would like to boldly suggest that we can in fact attack
the negative with positive without fear of retribution. This can be done
through random acts of kindness. When we act in kindness people can see our
hearts. They know our motives and it is that in which people respond to so
positively, that is why they respond ‘bless you’ as you finish assisting them
with the rather small task you have been 'burdened' with for a minute or two. The
more who can repetitively commit acts of kindness the more infectious good
becomes in our lives, the less we will see posters about surprising ‘good’
happening in London city and the more we can start to validate each other for
the positive.
Make it a passion
Passion. Possibly one of the most overused words, usually decorated in saucy cards to suggest a spicing up of relational flavours, but its the long lasting passion that never goes away and grants the most satisfaction. Whether you decide to pay attention to the passion or put it off, real passion will never go away. When I started writing it was a way a communicating how I felt about the boy I liked for 2 days in year 9, as I grew older it became very much the vessel for what so many thought was its initial purpose; to entertain whilst communicating some very important social/life lessons (at least). But sadly what I have found is there are so many book that say the same things, that present peachy views of life, that don't depict a view of having and harvesting a healthy passion that is long lasting.
I have many passions, which I have mentioned before, but one things for sure, my passions never require me to 'stop' - as in I never want to stop doing them because I gain so much joy from them and I don't care how silly I look doing them. When I first moved to an outback town in Queensland I used to have people stare at me and comment 'What's she doing? Why is she a loner? Why does she choose to be a loner?' Little did they know I was concocting my next book/ prose and in fact I was well and truly entertained. Once they knew what I was doing they were interested in my projects and wondered how you find time for writing when I work pretty long hours, but when I write I'm not looking at the clock going 'dang it another hour.' Saying that I make mistakes. Note my previous post. Total shocker. I didn't take time and care, but I totally love that you enjoyed editing my work...perhaps I did it on purpose huh?! :p
Today I wanted to share with you not only this quote but another blog I have started following, Ladies Holiday, you should get on board and have a look at the images they post taken by their followers each week, they are impressive. Plenty of inspiration to draw from..its always good supporting others, after all I think we are all artists in our own right. So go to to check it out NOW!
Despite the confusing post yesterday I hope that you enjoyed my snippits of the Love Challenge. Today I have Day 7 for you, I'll post Day 8 later.
Day 7
- I love that when people are given a challenge they always want to rise to the occasion.
- Yesterday I learnt of several communities that are binding together to help other communities that are severely struggling after the floods. I love the people are willing to sacrifice their money but far more significantly their TIME to help others and they do it so happily.
-I love seeing husbands and wives both sacrificing things for each other and making comprises- saw a couple at karaoke who decided to sacrifice a television show to sing instead, sacrificed embarrassment and chose to share a moment together.
Day 8...we'll see I'm looking forward to it!
Now...since we are seeing what love is out there, what about spreading love, I'm not talking about the self gratifying ideas of 'love' which is actually lust, I mean actually caring about others, through the little things we do. What can you do? Share with me what you are doing to turn frowns upside down? Last year when I was living in London I used to get a little down about people who wouldn't make eye contact or even smile on the train, I have expressed that sentiment before, it not only compelled me to write but it also compelled me to DO SOMETHING. So I gave myself a challenge, which started out a little frightening but ended up giving me a great gut feeling and I was looking for the next way to complete it each the link for a read on my challenge I threw myself.
Now for Already Read...this week its a segment from the first page of The Hobbit from JR Tolkien. The description at the beginning of the novel is exquisite. If it doesn't rope you in to working on your descriptive writing or reading the rest of his epic story instead of indulging in the movie, I don't know what will.
Till next time...
Jules :)
I have many passions, which I have mentioned before, but one things for sure, my passions never require me to 'stop' - as in I never want to stop doing them because I gain so much joy from them and I don't care how silly I look doing them. When I first moved to an outback town in Queensland I used to have people stare at me and comment 'What's she doing? Why is she a loner? Why does she choose to be a loner?' Little did they know I was concocting my next book/ prose and in fact I was well and truly entertained. Once they knew what I was doing they were interested in my projects and wondered how you find time for writing when I work pretty long hours, but when I write I'm not looking at the clock going 'dang it another hour.' Saying that I make mistakes. Note my previous post. Total shocker. I didn't take time and care, but I totally love that you enjoyed editing my work...perhaps I did it on purpose huh?! :p
Today I wanted to share with you not only this quote but another blog I have started following, Ladies Holiday, you should get on board and have a look at the images they post taken by their followers each week, they are impressive. Plenty of inspiration to draw from..its always good supporting others, after all I think we are all artists in our own right. So go to to check it out NOW!
Despite the confusing post yesterday I hope that you enjoyed my snippits of the Love Challenge. Today I have Day 7 for you, I'll post Day 8 later.
Day 7
- I love that when people are given a challenge they always want to rise to the occasion.
- Yesterday I learnt of several communities that are binding together to help other communities that are severely struggling after the floods. I love the people are willing to sacrifice their money but far more significantly their TIME to help others and they do it so happily.
-I love seeing husbands and wives both sacrificing things for each other and making comprises- saw a couple at karaoke who decided to sacrifice a television show to sing instead, sacrificed embarrassment and chose to share a moment together.
Day 8...we'll see I'm looking forward to it!
Now...since we are seeing what love is out there, what about spreading love, I'm not talking about the self gratifying ideas of 'love' which is actually lust, I mean actually caring about others, through the little things we do. What can you do? Share with me what you are doing to turn frowns upside down? Last year when I was living in London I used to get a little down about people who wouldn't make eye contact or even smile on the train, I have expressed that sentiment before, it not only compelled me to write but it also compelled me to DO SOMETHING. So I gave myself a challenge, which started out a little frightening but ended up giving me a great gut feeling and I was looking for the next way to complete it each the link for a read on my challenge I threw myself.
Now for Already Read...this week its a segment from the first page of The Hobbit from JR Tolkien. The description at the beginning of the novel is exquisite. If it doesn't rope you in to working on your descriptive writing or reading the rest of his epic story instead of indulging in the movie, I don't know what will.
Till next time...
Jules :)
Already Read...The Hobbit
First Chapter
'The Hobbit'
In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a hobbit-hole, and that means comfort.
It had a perfectly round door like a porthole, painted green, with a shiny yellow brass knob in the exact middle. The door opened on to a tube-shaped hall like a tunnel: a very comfortable tunnel without smoke, with panelled walls, and floors tiled and carpeted, provided with polished chairs, and lots and lots of pegs for hats and coats—the hobbit was fond of visitors. The tunnel wound on and on, going fairly but not quite straight into the side of the hill—The Hill, as all the people for many miles round called it—and many little round doors opened out of it, first on one side and then on another. No going upstairs for the hobbit: bedrooms, bathrooms, cellars, pantries (lots of these), wardrobes (he had whole rooms devoted to clothes), kitchens, dining-rooms, all were on the same floor, and indeed on the same passage. The best rooms were all on the left-hand side (going in), for these were the only ones to have windows, deep-set round windows looking over his garden, and meadows beyond, sloping down to the river.
Thursday, 7 February 2013
Day 5 & 6
How has the challenge been going? I have found that when you start looking for one thing in the day that you love you end up finding more. Today I share with you my Day 5 & 6, but this time I want to spend a little more time on it.
Two days I was asked by a 6year old if I would be happy to be introduced to her friend, also 6years old, because she felt that it would be very beneficial for this young girl to get to know me and also because my happiness could rise simply by knowing another person. At the base level, this I think is simply adorable- children have such a great way of discerning what is required and what isn't for others without even knowing what is going on with them, just like they know innately who and who not to spend their time talking to & they'll voice it in words and through their body language. While it made me a little chuffed for a little while that she considered me a special person worthwhile being introduced to I was far more grateful for the gift the little girl had given me. You see absolutely unbeknownst to her I had been trying to make friends for a while with all the new people in my community & I had been finding it hard- knock backs here and there or people who just don't return messages; this little girl made me realise that I was worthy of hanging out and taking time to get to know. Which I do know myself, but it is nice that somebody else reminds you sometimes.
Purchasing my coffee for the day- literally 5 minutes ago the lady at Jamaica Blue who probably knows me as 'medium skinny capuccino addict' gave me a random compliment, but then she preceeded to give 3 high-vis men advice and then wish a couple a fantastic day all the while being completely genuine. How refreshing!
So anyways there is just a couple of things, I'm sure we could all agree there would be lots but I think there is definitely something different between writing what you notice down and letting it slide by. I was once told by a University lecturer that it is best to write something and come back a few days or not a week later and re-read what you have written to ascertain whether the content really is what you desire. Admittedly being a bit of perfectionist and writing a minimum of 4 copies for every text I wrote since grade 10 this was something that would have been useful had I known it years earlier when I would hastily throw out what was probably perfectly good writing. Nowadays I make sure I go back and look at words I have written and I never fully discount a work. Message here- be critical but not so critical that you aren't effective and in fact produce nothing. Art work that is imperfect sells and art work that is perfect consistenly becomes boring, get away from a formula and find what works for you. Off to work now to hopefully infect minds with positive thought..will write again later. Enjoy whatever part of the day that you have.. :)
Two days I was asked by a 6year old if I would be happy to be introduced to her friend, also 6years old, because she felt that it would be very beneficial for this young girl to get to know me and also because my happiness could rise simply by knowing another person. At the base level, this I think is simply adorable- children have such a great way of discerning what is required and what isn't for others without even knowing what is going on with them, just like they know innately who and who not to spend their time talking to & they'll voice it in words and through their body language. While it made me a little chuffed for a little while that she considered me a special person worthwhile being introduced to I was far more grateful for the gift the little girl had given me. You see absolutely unbeknownst to her I had been trying to make friends for a while with all the new people in my community & I had been finding it hard- knock backs here and there or people who just don't return messages; this little girl made me realise that I was worthy of hanging out and taking time to get to know. Which I do know myself, but it is nice that somebody else reminds you sometimes.
Purchasing my coffee for the day- literally 5 minutes ago the lady at Jamaica Blue who probably knows me as 'medium skinny capuccino addict' gave me a random compliment, but then she preceeded to give 3 high-vis men advice and then wish a couple a fantastic day all the while being completely genuine. How refreshing!
So anyways there is just a couple of things, I'm sure we could all agree there would be lots but I think there is definitely something different between writing what you notice down and letting it slide by. I was once told by a University lecturer that it is best to write something and come back a few days or not a week later and re-read what you have written to ascertain whether the content really is what you desire. Admittedly being a bit of perfectionist and writing a minimum of 4 copies for every text I wrote since grade 10 this was something that would have been useful had I known it years earlier when I would hastily throw out what was probably perfectly good writing. Nowadays I make sure I go back and look at words I have written and I never fully discount a work. Message here- be critical but not so critical that you aren't effective and in fact produce nothing. Art work that is imperfect sells and art work that is perfect consistenly becomes boring, get away from a formula and find what works for you. Off to work now to hopefully infect minds with positive thought..will write again later. Enjoy whatever part of the day that you have.. :)
Monday, 4 February 2013
Fitness, Pinterest & Day 4 of The Challenge! :)
Good evening! Well its been a cracker of a day, 5am start at the gym to get the endorphins running, followed by work, catch up with a girlfriend and then a 4km time-trialled run to stretch out my legs from the morning's session. I don't know about you but those precious hours particularly in the morning are 'Golden Time.' It sets me up for my day & makes me feel ready to conquer anything & when I can't focus or write anything its the best thing to clear my mind. I used to run with music in my ears always, now I just soak up what's around me and listen to what's in my mind, I figure it needs to be paid attention to if its bothering me & worse case scenario I can push myself to the point where my muscles or my training partner feels the brunt of my thoughts and emotions and when I'm done my mind is clear again. So naturally I suppose you'll notice below that I have listed exercise as my love for Day 4 of the February challenge. I think exercise is important to love instead of loathe; let's face it regardless of your shape and size we all get a physiological kick (endorphins!) out of partaking in physical activity.
My love of physical pursuits, achieving things with others and individually has spurred on what some would deem a crazy quest to continually conquer higher and higher mountains & yes Mt Everest is on my bucket list & will be climbed soon :). But despite whatever pursuits one has with fitness, literature, art one thing never changes- do it for you & do it out of passion.
Interested in kick starting your fitness? Instill a love for a great healthy body (not a skinny one- that's overrated)! Then follow this link for some great exercises I use regularly-
Till next time, keep smiling, loving the simple things & taking chances! :)
#4 I LOVE physical activity & its ability to release you from all the stresses you can get from work etc, I love that it always gives back to you no matter what. You never feel bad for going for a run, doing push ups, kicking a ball or taking a hike up a mountain. Pretty sweet! :)
My love of physical pursuits, achieving things with others and individually has spurred on what some would deem a crazy quest to continually conquer higher and higher mountains & yes Mt Everest is on my bucket list & will be climbed soon :). But despite whatever pursuits one has with fitness, literature, art one thing never changes- do it for you & do it out of passion.
Interested in kick starting your fitness? Instill a love for a great healthy body (not a skinny one- that's overrated)! Then follow this link for some great exercises I use regularly-
Till next time, keep smiling, loving the simple things & taking chances! :)
#4 I LOVE physical activity & its ability to release you from all the stresses you can get from work etc, I love that it always gives back to you no matter what. You never feel bad for going for a run, doing push ups, kicking a ball or taking a hike up a mountain. Pretty sweet! :)
Sunday, 3 February 2013
Inspiration Station strikes again
This week's Inspiration Station- you might notice that this is from a statue in St Pancras Station in London. This image depicts much of what I began encouraged to write about when I first arrived in London. I'd love to know what you are writing though, words are meant to be shared in my opinion! Here's what I wrote when I saw people heading off to work in hoards. No offence intended of course to the Brits, after all I would be insulting myself considering I am British as well, this is just what I noticed in comparison to what I was used to in Australia.
'Monday to Friday I ride the train to work with faceless zombies, on Saturday the lights come on in peoples' eyes. The zombies turn to children, hoards of children filled with joy, laughter, expression and excitement. Everyone has suddenly discovered they are human again until Monday blues start to precipitate on Sunday evening.' (Julia Trask 2012)
So what are you encouraged to write about from this picture?
'Monday to Friday I ride the train to work with faceless zombies, on Saturday the lights come on in peoples' eyes. The zombies turn to children, hoards of children filled with joy, laughter, expression and excitement. Everyone has suddenly discovered they are human again until Monday blues start to precipitate on Sunday evening.' (Julia Trask 2012)
So what are you encouraged to write about from this picture?
This third love is something I did for the first time today- its the love of surfing. When you catch a good wave it's energy is encouraging you to stand, and when you do... the feeling of freedom. Superb! Of course couple that with the ability to jump in the car, partake in a roadtrip & mingle with randoms and you've got a sweet memory etched. February 3 what a great day. Can't wait for tomorrow and what it brings.
Want to do the Love challenge this month? Write down the things that you love about people or experiences you have each day for the 28 days of February. The trick is that you cannot repeat previous 'loves' so to speak. Share what you've experienced each day with me online or link me up to your blog or page today!
This third love is something I did for the first time today- its the love of surfing. When you catch a good wave it's energy is encouraging you to stand, and when you do... the feeling of freedom. Superb! Of course couple that with the ability to jump in the car, partake in a roadtrip & mingle with randoms and you've got a sweet memory etched. February 3 what a great day. Can't wait for tomorrow and what it brings.
Want to do the Love challenge this month? Write down the things that you love about people or experiences you have each day for the 28 days of February. The trick is that you cannot repeat previous 'loves' so to speak. Share what you've experienced each day with me online or link me up to your blog or page today!
Saturday, 2 February 2013
And so it begins!
#1 There's nothing quite like the wrinkle lines caused by the vivacious laughter of a school of men who gather each week to have some serious man partners, no wives...just decent man to man time.
#2 Love the feel of breeze sweeping through your hair, relaxing your mind; the reminder that something doesn't have to be physically seen to know that it exists.
Want to do the Love challenge this month? Write down the things that you love about people or experiences you have each day for the 28 days of February. The trick is that you cannot repeat previous 'loves' so to speak. Share what you've experienced each day with me online or link me up to your blog or page today!
#1 There's nothing quite like the wrinkle lines caused by the vivacious laughter of a school of men who gather each week to have some serious man partners, no wives...just decent man to man time.
#2 Love the feel of breeze sweeping through your hair, relaxing your mind; the reminder that something doesn't have to be physically seen to know that it exists.
Want to do the Love challenge this month? Write down the things that you love about people or experiences you have each day for the 28 days of February. The trick is that you cannot repeat previous 'loves' so to speak. Share what you've experienced each day with me online or link me up to your blog or page today!
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