Friday, 19 April 2013

The acid of society

It's no surprise that the world is in chaos. I'd say more than ever but I'm not so sure that's true. I think perhaps there's just been more atrocities in countries that govern the media and 'rule' the free world. But we are not free, we are bound together in mourning by hate crimes.

This week's news surrounding the Boston Marathon was devastating but did it shock me? No. I'm not a woman without a heart, I could just see how once small inappropriate attitudes and behaviours once accepted now blow up in our face.

Look in the newspaper, we need only see countless articles on the disrespect we dish out to others on a daily basis, and since we are human its not about to end, but why is it that it takes a tragedy for compassion? A shock to rock our thinking? Is it because we fail to want to speak to those that challenge us for fear?

Three things I feel compelled to write about, two of which are not the cheeriest of topics, and the last a triumph out of the Boston disaster.

1. People meet people on a daily basis, we make perceptions of others and sometimes we assume what we want to simply because it's easier. Today I saw an article written by about the most annoying people on Facebook, to sum it on it drags on about people who celebrate family, healthy living, new experiences and success they achieve.

Why bother me? Well we all have been bothered by someone's inappropriate use of technology at time to time but what's wrong with loving who you are and what you're good at? We only need to look at statistics and hear the news with a critically thinking mind to know the tragedy of suicide is rife among society & it's ridiculous articles like these that suggest having pride in yourself is an annoying trait. Go get an injection of happiness! I'd rather be surrounded by people with a positive approach to life where people's 'likes' of encouragement are supported and not belittled. When is it ok, if not in your own space ( too bad Facebook isn't called facespace) to share with Friends the good you enjoy? If we want a positive world we need to create one and it starts by removing cynicism and celebrating what is good about the places we live in and the people we chose to spend time with. Surely events like the Boston Marathon ordeal would amplify that need.

2. Why don't we notice the atrocities occurring in smaller nations throughout the world? Why does it take a 'powerhouse' nation to get us to listen? I dislike immensely the events I hear about in the news; power hungry North Korea, Boston Marathon bombings, gun violence in the States & the NRA not caring; out of control Thatcher protesters but still who is stopping all those women getting raped on their way each day to clean water in Africa? Or the young girls of Cambodia and the like trafficking themselves? Children without decent homes in our own countries whilst we adopt elsewhere? Families starving because 'powerhouse' nations hold large stocks of the food, or happily waste what is adequate to eat? Again without forcing action, peacefully and sensibly, what will ever change? As a Christian we are taught that humans are God's mouthpiece, hands and feet- we aren't doing much good, or if we sit back silent or demand little to nothing of our leaders. On the flip side, if we are doing good why aren't we making it be known?

I guess so far I have spoken about essentially, when it comes to morale, the same thing. No one is more valuable then the next, our choices and opinions depict our beliefs & our actions even more. So you can imagine my response when I hear..

3. Comments made by Americans post Boston Marathon saying that people should NOT assume that it was an act of terrorism by Muslim people (roughly those lines). I sat as a proud person that day knowing someone, just one person even, chose to value all people the same and not be quick to pass judgement. As someone with Muslim friends branded by the world, I felt like in that moment we were 'moving forward' (as Julia Gillard would say).

So what's the acid of society? Our own ability to refuse to see our pitfalls and where we must improve. Therefore, the way I see it society is as acidic as we will it to be.

A recipe for success

I don't know about you but I enjoy cooking. Sometimes I'm not so good at it, other times I am pleased with what I create. A recipe has steps to succeed if only you follow them, but I'm a freelancer at heart so whilst I think method assists I love how the mind can take me to create something magic.

Today I share with you something I felt turned out perfect & it was a combination of method and madness; attempting to push the cooking envelope by inventing something free hand. Meet...

Sun dried tomato chicken wrapped in prosciutto on a bed of honey poached pears

You'll need:
- 500 grams of chicken thigh fillets
-1 jar Sun dried tomato pesto
-4 Bosch pears
-2 T butter
-2.5 T honey (natural)
-100g prosciutto
-toothpicks (for securing the chicken)
-paprika for sprinkling
-extra virgin olive oil

1. Fillet your thigh fillets (if you can just lay them flat as they are).

2. Stuff your thighs with the pesto and roll up. You may want to secure with tooth picks.

3. Cover in paprika & fry in hot pan. Remove once cooked (PS for this time I forgot to do it, but it still tastes fine).

4. Place honey and butter in a oven proof dish (I used a lasagne dish). Cook in already preheated oven for 5 minutes on 180 degrees. Remove when melted.

5. Wrap prosciutto around chicken. Secure with toothpicks (necessary for a good look) and fry till brown. Once cooked cut into smaller pieces.


6. Place pears on honey sauce. Place cooked chicken on top of pears & bake at 180 degrees for 40 minutes.

7. Sprinkle basil on top & let it sit for a few minutes (if you forget this step it doesn't matter, I have cooked it with and without, it adds an extra punch but its not a disaster if you forget it!).

8. Dish up and enjoy!

Friday, 12 April 2013


So much is going on. Recently I started a group for women in my local area to network with each other to achieve their fitness goals. I has been really well received. I never thought that it would take off when I started it, I guess that's why its so pleasurable knowing that it is getting more numbers everyday. It's the same feeling I get when somebody else follows on here or the Facebook page. So thank you for reading!

As a person who loves fitness and has been looking to connect with new people I can't believe I hadn't thought of the combination before. It super pleases me because it gives me another avenue to infect people with a passion and share some sweet literature about health & fitness at the same time. It's a double whammy of awesomeness for me.

Lately I have also been connecting with more blogs and have thoroughly enjoyed what I have been reading! Here are two that I would recommend checking out & they are Australian! Yes I'm flying the Aussie flag.

* My Brown Paper Packages
*2 Sporks 1 Cup

On top of all that networking I have been lucky enough to build my house sitting clientele. Yes that's right, I'm a house sitter as well. I find it thoroughly enjoying meeting new people and their pooches and people are stoked to have their house and dog/s well looked after. When I combine fitness, this blog, reading more blogs, house sitting and my actual paying job, it leaves me pretty busy. But I love the opportunity to meet more people and I am secretly hoping one day soon I'll be able to house sit in a different country, to soak up another country's culture and way of life. Until then I'm enjoying the little adventure I've got going on here & am always looking for something else to get into.

Enjoy the blessings of the weekend & keep good company!

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

A welcomed distraction

This morning I took my iPad out with the intention of writing the typical blog post about how my life feels like its playing 'na na' games with a couple of simple things I wanted to be happening. Instead in 15 minutes I created a short story that goes like this...enjoy the journey...


I walked into my local coffee shop nonchalantly plonked myself down at a seat facing the windows, I could see the trees blowing swiftly through the dull white back drop. The morning had been a flurry of abuse to a seemingly absent God who had so far denied me the desire of the man of my dreams by my side. As I had been going about my random chores there was no doubting the neighbors would have thought I was somewhat 'interesting' as I hurled abuse at the men who had entered my life and left it for the sake of achieving animalistic rights...though I was accompanied by no one.

As I look to my 10 o'clock, thick framed glasses, perfectly ironed blue stripped shirt, pensive look and owner of two masculine yet pleasant hands destroyed my earlier argument; that I would be giving up the idea of a man to share memories with. In a bid to refocus myself I start thinking about the Disney princesses and the hardcore task of card writing, yet I'm still distracted. My eye turns, I'm like a 13 year old girl who just discovered One Direction.

How is it that when I had somewhat convincingly agreed that a life of travel and exploration would satisfy my desire to be complete, a good looking man had to present himself? So inconvenient. In a town that plated up 40 men to 1 single female you'd think you'd have it easy right? Think again. It had seemed that over time I'd acquainted myself with men worthy of a 'indecent exposure' bumper sticker; any exposure for a long period of time was more likely to come at the expense of a public wee-fest post pub session than a second date.

I had always described to my friends the importance of being the fine dining option instead of fast food when it came to relationships, but the dating scene left me with huge statistics of most men being fast food lovers. Hence, I return to this mornings rant and how I was luckily plated up with the potential for business style fine dining. It appeared this moment of which the said man remained in serious, intellectual business conversation with a colleague, was enough to inspire perhaps another effort towards the desires from which I thought the big man upstairs had alluded to entertain me with.

An hour past, I did the regular errands and looked around at a few extra shops as if to feel like I had the money or occasion for the items I laid my eyes on. After realizing the prospect of events in the near future as opposed to things I became highly motivated to depart the shopping complex for fear of purchasing the unexpected.

As I left the store I in fact became acquainted with the unexpected again, said business man with black frames, appeared before me. It happened twice. I must have been a little bamboozled and trying to over think (as most women do) the intention for this dual sighting but I was stunted by thoughts telling me to calm the heck down as shopping centers and stores were able to be accessed frequently and in no apparent order by whomever they wish. Realizing my overreaction I headed for the ladies toilet to powder my nose and calm down some more, when I was given another unexpected surprise.

A very decent, handsome looking man also dressed in business attire. He had a cracker of a smile and was clothe grooming his black jacket. It seemed whatever was happening the God I once cursed earlier in the day was perhaps getting down to business.

Who knows what's next?

*If you like this short story please share, comment, like this blog or follow on Facebook @ A Written Revolution.
*Please note all words are copyright of Julia Trask. Thanks for respecting the spontaneity of the nature of writing.

Monday, 8 April 2013

Mondayitis...hell no!

Monday, the beginning of a week. We always associate Monday with the dreaded thoughts of getting out of bed and commencing another working week, but why?

We have the ability to view life as joyfully as we wish. Monday should be a day we associate with new beginnings. After all, how many times have people wished they could start all over again. Sneaky little invention that Monday...

Today is the beginning of my road trip home and the end of my trip away. By the time I return to my little beach town I would have done at least 1500 kilometres. I'm not sad it's over, I'm excited to get back to my routine of exercise, rest and the simple pleasure of being at home. I also cannot wait for a few nights out singing to my hearts content.

So as today goes on, don't think of it as 'blergh Monday' but 'new start Monday' don't have to change something about your life each Monday but embrace the possibilities that a Monday can refocus you, get you fresh & change your state of mind, if you will it!

Just how GLORIOUS Monday can be!

Sunday, 7 April 2013

'Raw'-ing speeches

Hello! I can't believe we are almost ready to bring in another week and I'm coming to the end of my epic travelling adventure. My friends Suzy and Jayson were wed yesterday; the wedding and celebrations to follow were the perfect way to end the trip.

It was such a beautiful, intimate wedding of about 60 people; it made you feel super special that you were on the guest list. Of the five weddings I have attended to wedding made me feel the least worried about the impending future. I think it was because despite the service being the most serious I have encountered, thus far, Suzy and Jayson really were so incredibly excited that they were to be sharing 'forever' with each other. I suppose it helped to that no relatives were there saying, 'When's your turn?'

My favourite part of the day were the speeches. Your probably thinking, well that's a no brainer; but it wasn't that they were mulled on for hours but rather more impromptu prose that reflected the core of each person's experiences with the couple. Some were serious, some made you laugh, some made you cry and some did all those things at once.

What I'm saying is, through speech and spur of the moment conversation raw emotions are conveyed perfectly.

Sometimes when I write, whether it be an essay or a card to a loved one on their big day I always strive for rawness. Hence at times I'll be the crazy person talking to myself until the right words come- it's not madness it's just another way to get things to work. So...I hope you leave a little room for Sunday crazies!

Till next time...

Saturday, 6 April 2013

April's first inspiration station..

It's been a while, so here's a recap. Inspiration station serves to provide material to get you started. Today there's three different settings. You can begin by engaging your mind to how your senses would react to create a character's overall feeling in the space. My suggestion is that you use only one image, but if it takes a few jotted notes to get you going then of it!

Friday, 5 April 2013

The return...

Hello everyone Happy April!! It's been a rather crazy busy time for me, I've driven  approximately 1200 kilometres in the past week visiting loved ones and having a smashing time. Today I find myself in Queensland's capital with none other than a couple of good books and a fine reading couch.

Recently I have been writing like crazy & enjoying time with others & having a little but of free time for myself. Easter's chocolates devoured my body, so today it's no surprise the titles I'm reading are Nancy Clark's Sports Nutrition & Athletic Strength for Women. I could say that I'm disappointed in my lack of healthy eating or my attentiveness to the technological world but the more I've rested the more beauty I see in others. Here's a literary reel of smile worthy moments of late:

*6year old boy says to Dad at McDonalds 'Hey Dad, all people from different countries drive cabs hey?'

*Old ladies around a cafe table, 'I've become so stubborn in my old age, I wouldn't have given a shit about half the things I did before I was old and grey..actually white. Now, now it's blue peg with blue peg why do I care?'...moment passes, same lady drops her fork and fails to pick it up 3 times, 'isn't it so marvelous when your body turns limp and fails you, what am I doing on the floor?'

*A young couple are going for their relaxing morning ride when the boyfriend loses sight of the future because he is gazing into his woman's eyes only to be awkwardly struck by a building's awning.

*The moment when an infant shares their 'first time' moment with you and you're the only witness!

*When you see the signs of Big W and Woolworths standing loud and proud as discount stores whilst Oroton and Guess sits quietly underneath, hidden.

*Going outside, thinking its all calm and you get caught in a random sun shower drenching all your clothes.

These are just a few of the things I have enjoyed by just resting. They say to 'BE STILL' is one of the hardest things. I think it'll only get worse as we combat our own desires, society pressures & time but time truly is the greatest gift we can give each other. Recently I discovered the art of scheduling. I want to talk about this.

Our world loves a schedule, tasks, to do lists and reminders but none of this gets us back to what is important...each other. We should schedule to maximize time with loved ones not maximize time away from them. And I don't mean doing two things at once, I think we can all agree we are left with two unfinished projects or two things done half as good as they could be.

I love writing, you won't catch me without pen and paper but I write when I feel something or when I'm on my own. I have for a few weeks now scheduled time for blogging and used scheduled posts. Now I can reduce that even more! I don't need a 7am morning cafe run and a write up instead I 'timetable' when I'll blog. I've noticed family is happier, I'm happier and my lifestyle is far more balanced. A win, win I say! So howdo you get your wins and make advances at the same time, for your writing and your life?

Well best be going, off to soak up the splendor of the day.

Bon voyage till next time....