Friday, 29 November 2013

Time flies

Wow its the end of November and I'm not sure how I got here! I'm not alone am I? The year has been quite epic- emotion filled, new job, new house and some new friends- it has been quite a busy time. Still knowing how much I have done does not mean I'm less horrified of the time of year that we are up to. It has been an AGE since I wrote and I guess that's why I feel like an 80year old typing as opposed to a Gen Y member flaunting her flashy fast paced typing skills. Time has damaged the fabric of my writing. So where do you start when it literally has been months. To be honest I don't know, so I'm just going to fill you in on what's been happening and not making any promises. Yes, that got you hooked right? I guess it's because I have intended to write so many things and then life happens. This is where I will introduce Brickers.

Brickers is the name I have decided to suddenly adorn my new house with. Brickers is a lovely 90s style townhouse with open plan living down stairs, you know the kind that just includes the lounge room and dining adjoining because its realistically only big enough for a living room. The kitchen is my favourite part of the house adjacent to this open plan liv/dining style and I love it the most because it is English. It has exactly about 1 metre space from bench to bench and shares its space with the laundry. I cannot quite explain what's so lovely about hearing the washing machine get off balance while cooking a roast or watching the elimination phase of X Factor. Reminds me frequently of how tranquil and serene my house truly is. The most glorious factor of the house though has got to be the black, maroon and shit brown bricks that make our house so full of life. I have learnt both the ways of decorating with contrasting colours and minimalism, since drilling bricks isn't a past time I'm an expert in. Either way quite quickly the new house has quickly become a home, its super nice to have independence again, a shorter trip to the gym, to work & air-conditioning. Creature comforts have returned, boxes are emptied and home life is chilled. So this is where I am writing from...for now. As you would have read recently I am jet setting away again in a few months so I apologise in advance if my thoughts end off in a tangent! What I am most recently excited about though is the season of Christmas. It's lovely and I typically get into the habit of surrounding myself in the spirit of Christmas, so look out for my ramblings on that. You'll probably hear me getting quite sentimental and reflective; but who doesn't at the end of a year!

I hope all have been keeping well...until next time...

The constant craving

A lot of people understand what it means to want to travel but some don’t fully understand the constant craving you can have for travel. My thirst and hunger for travel is something that cannot be supressed.  
I was like this before I left to live in Greenwich, London, UK however it is so much stronger since then, I think this is because travel wasn’t just about learning about other cultures and exploring new places but about the place I got to be at with myself. When I left a few years ago I really needed a change and I didn’t really recognise how much I needed that change until I had left and was living in a different country for a while, but it’s not this feeling that gets me hooked on travel. It’s the discovery face. Well that’s what I call it. It’s when you walk in to a room, see a historic sight for the first time or finally come to terms with what you have achieved by making your travel goal a reality and it’s like all your Christmas’ have come at once. If you’ve never experienced that before it’s akin to realising how lovely the person you are with is and just how much they adore you. So this craving is back, never left really, it’s not something you can turn off or entertain with little Australian holidays, though don’t get me wrong I love my country, it’s a strong desire I know I would strongly regret if I didn’t do it.

Having travelled and having life deliver its twists and turns I know two things for certain- life is too short to supress the things we desire most and it’s far too easy to try and justify to ourselves that we shouldn’t or aren’t able to do the things we love. The bottom line is if you will miss it don’t remove it from your life. Recently plenty of people have been questioning my reason to take time off work when I want to in order to do the things I want but I know for a fact the desires I have, round world trip, climbing Mt Everest, snowboarding in Canada, seeing the New York skyline to name a few are things I’d miss if I didn’t experience them so right or wrong is somebody else’s eyes I’m doing what I’m doing. I know I’m not going to look back after 40 years or so of work and say ‘I regretted those 4 months off travelling the world and climbing the biggest mountain yet’.
To those celebrating Thanksgiving, I hope where ever you are that you are with loved ones, enjoying the time you have and planning for memories you’ll never regret. Happy belated Thanks giving! xo

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