Friday, 25 July 2014

Swearing...for good. #whiteribbonnight #domesticviolencenomore

We have all met one of these special ladies in our lives before. They adorn a bubbly, outgoing, peaceful persona with a certain ease or grace about them. They help others unconditionally; they are the women everyone in a room labels as strong; and you would be right. But behind the peaceful, friendly, helpful outlook these women, young girls, adults, middle aged women, grandmothers, are women who have suffered and dealt with the effects of domestic violence at the hands of men.

Despite all of their efforts there is one thing these women will all share in common, at one point in time they were deathly afraid, disgusted, physically sick and mentally taunted by men. The beauty, if anything can come from it, is that these women, the surviving victims of domestic violence, are reminders of the utter strength, determination and bravery of women.

Each week, each year we hear of another case of a man assaulting his wife or de facto, a family member getting his way with a young relative or a random person on the street deciding a woman is no more than a piece of meat he can have his way with. This has to stop. NOW. The only way that happens is if society, beginning with men, demand better attitudes and respect for women from their fellow man. This means bringing back the days when men would respectfully and singularly approach a bloke if he was misbehaving in a bar or speaking inappropriately to a woman. This means no more standing by and waiting to see if 'she'll be right.' It also means verbalising your commitment and reinforcing everyday that you swear to develop and uphold a society that values the lives of your women. It's about exclaiming that 9 years of jail for committing rape is a blasphemous joke when you're talking about the entire life of one of God's children being destroyed at the hands of a monster. It is never exalting people, including the famous, if they have been convicted of heinous crimes against women.

This evening, July 25 is White Ribbon Night. Tonight I want to say well done to any woman who has ever suffered and survived at the hands of domestic violence. You are the definition of a fighter. I also want to say, I am sorry to anyone reading this who has lost relatives or loved ones to this insidious crime and I am sorry for those who have experienced unspeakable pain in order to learn their inner strength. Whilst I would love to keep my focus only on this (all the time) sadly we still must emphasise how much culture in Australia, and the world, needs to change. If you detest domestic violence and value the lives of women please go to White Ribbon Australia now and pledge your support for a society free of domestic violence.


Saturday, 12 July 2014

Time flies when you're having fun

July already. Wow! It is the time of year when people get excited about tax returns filling their bank accounts and future travel plans. For some its an anxious time as they begin making decisions about what school their child should be enrol in and for others it really is just another month. By now you are all so privy to my positive mentality that I'm going to skip the prelude and cut to the chase. Over the last month and especially since my recent holiday to Victoria and South East Queensland I have had the luxury of being inspired by many people, places and unexpected encounters which can only mean great writing. Most of my days have been spent walking about the place smiling in wonderment at how lucky I am. If you've seen me about town I'm the quirky one who exudes joy for no apparent reason, and that is the best part.

You know when you walk past someone who has so much light in their eyes you just want to know their story? You even create the story in your mind- something funny just happened, they just met someone, they just won some money, they just received a compliment- it becomes such a force that you want to be around it, know about it and find out what they've got and where to get it. The best part is, we've all got that goofy happy joy within us that can inspire us, we just need to look for happiness, see the positives and surround ourselves with it. You can not have writer's block when there is an infinite amount of joy and beauty to be noticed.

If you're thinking it's a hard task, here's some I love and smile about frequently:
  • The hot sun warming your skin on a chilly winter's day
  • A heat through a coffee mug warming your hands, coffee/tea soothing your soul.
  • Children laughing
  • Happily married couples enjoying each others company
  • The hilariousness of fresh young love and their frequent PDAs
  •  Grass between your toes
  • A polite word from a stranger
  • Children speaking like adults (eg: don't misbehave or you won't get lunch)
  • Sunrise
  • How relaxing it is to witness the sunset.
What things make you feel goofy happy? Embrace them this weekend! Till next time...
Africa | 'No more lies' (2008) - Jide Alakija | This image also appeared in the publication Nigerians Behind the Lens by Ebi Atawodi