The morning after commencing your first ever blog is what I imagine an unsafe shag with an inappropriate suitor would feel like. Uncomfortable, awkward and full of pressure. So many blogs out there with tips for writers & comments that suggest your really not worth developing a writing blog if you ever make a mistake. I'm going to start with the disappointment. I, author of A Written Revolution, will definitely make a mistake at some point in time during my blog. Ahh, now that's all covered I can relax...
Several years ago I went to a writing conference and an author told me, you must write every day- you will only be good at writing unless you write everyday. I must say I disagree, though clearly I'm not a published author- yet. For me the benefit of writing each day is that your art becomes perfected, however why write when nothing inspires you to? In saying that, these days (about 5 years on) I do write everyday but this has come about from looking at situations and scenarios; the way light falls in a room, even how flies interact on dirty coffee cups in mall food courts; and getting an outpouring of ideas sometimes completely unrelated to what I am looking at. Today writing isn't an effort- just a joy. How did I get there? READING. I didn't read every day necessarily but when I read I enjoyed what I read. I took notice of how authors placed the words into their audiences' imagination & I ensured I lingered on the words for a while. So from now on in, I am going to bring you 2 things at least once a week aside from my musings...
1. Already Read- a series of works from famous authors (endorsed by me!)
2. Inspiration Station- a photograph/image that may spur on your inspiration to write.
This week's Already Read will be posted tomorrow...keep your eyes peeled!
Until next time..
Jules :)
Look forward to it!