Saturday, 13 December 2014


The nature of a freelance writer means that we are compelled to write at the most random of times. It also means our imagination takes us on journeys we didn't foresee and I love that. See what you think. Obviously respect the nature of literature please & credit Julia Trask (me) if you share. Thank you.

Hands in hands. A playful joke. The forehead kiss and adoring smile. Walking cobble stoned streets aged in happiness. It's pure love and affection. It doesn't require the knowledge of sexual desire to determine love, it is love. Here making love is an extension of a million and one tiny everyday acts of affection that tell the world 'they' are your person. Gentlemanly approach simply to be good men increases the exponential wealth of women as valued partners. Conversation not power, time not stress, and quality not quantity. A simplistic, pure love that cannot be rated as it's value is priceless.

-inspired by couples walking the Lucerne streets7 December 2014, written at 4am.

I wonder what the fellow passengers would feel if I just broke into song, dancing down the isle like Carey Grant in his socks and jocks requesting others to join in the fun?

I can see the orchestrated performance playing out in the first impromptu gig ever on an A380. We'd dance like crazy, laugh, kids would cackle in happiness-the musician in front of me would get her violin out and seamlessly fit in with the production. The cords would twitch every passengers' muscle in unison, grannies grooving in their seats, all ages gracing the isles, cultures, languages intertwined on Singapore airlines. Our motion and emotion seamlessly one. Hot hand towels are thrown in glee- and carefully caressed by the tongs upon the closure and subsequent encore of Life is a Highway lead by Australians and supported by the cabin crew. The entire economy class cracks up in laughter then sits silently with effervescent smiles planted on their faces.

-inspired by my inflight entertainment & restlessness amid 27hr flight to Zurich

A joyful Christmas season for all

Everyone loves the Christmas season but they some also love making it unpleasant for others in their quest to get prepared for the season. Not to self everyone- we are all in the Christmas rat race- calm down and everyone will be happier. Sometimes we try and do more than we need to- I'm a classic for this, trying to move house 2 days before I leave for a European holiday- stop. Now. Look after yourself and be joyfully stress less before Christmas, it'll make the season more brilliant than ever.

Here's some tips to brighten your mood and reduce stress in the lead up to Christmas. 

1. Always allow for 30minutes of added travel time and parking. Be prepared to stalk people for a cark park. Patience is the key.

2. Shop block. Buy all the things you need at one shopping centre at once. It means one Carpark, one busy shopping adventure and one adventure and one event of long cues. It's also far more efficient. 

3. Know what your gong to buy before you go. If you don't know trawl the internet for ideas. Pinterest is a wealth of ideas. If your buying electronics make sure you request a match of online prices. 

4. Time frame shopping visits. Super important. When you know how much you have to do to be prepared for guests, the holiday or cooking prep there is nothing worse than knowing a shop stole your time and sanity. Include your 30 minute extra travel allowance.

5. Let people go ahead of you. It might sound crazy but the favour is always returned. Conversely if you are always impatient and butt in expect people to do the same to you. Cities are far better than regional towns with this, because they understand the rat race day in day out. Only exception perhaps- parking.

6. Use the troops. Got young children? Teenagers? Assemble the troops, give them purpose and a job that helps you out (it might also get them out of your hair for a bit).

7. Only do things that can be done at night at night. It sounds weird but why spend a day cooking or writing Christmas cards when you can watch your favourite television show, write your cards out or multitask with dinner and Christmas food prep?

8. Music. Always music and fun music. It doesn't have to be fun Christmas music (in fact you probably need to sub it out for sanity sakes) but play it loud, proud and sing! Laugh and careless what people think!

In any case whether it's these things or others, have a joyful Christmas and make sure you are helping others to be joyful in the lead up to Christmas as well. Till next time...

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

The latest from Europe

I've never embraced travelling to a country on my own that doesn't speak English as it's first language. I think it's definitely part of the adventure and completely worthwhile but I tell you what it is tiring. On Friday, 5th December, I had my biggest sleep ever. 17hours! I think that would rival my latest nephew who is 3 weeks old!

Travelling for 27hours (21hours flying, 6 hours of stop over) I managed to get about 12hours of sleep which was miraculous, but to land and be confronted by about 2% of the population speaking English; that was a challenge.

I became so instantly tired trying to absorb and code break as much of the language as I could. Looking for anyone who could help. By nightfall I was keen for television but all I encountered was German. I got excited when NCIS and CSI Miami came on as I thought American TV; downtime for my brain but it was dubbed in German. I resorted to YouTube runs of Karl Stefanovic's hilarity on breakfast tele and listening to music to gain the English I craved. 

Still now 5 days into my trip I'm craving English. I feel like a mute, unable to communicate and acutely aware of how an ESL person would feel in Australia. It's tough!

I have regular visions of meeting a fellow Aussie where I can yell, "Hey! How you going mate? What's news? Let's have a beer!" I cannot wait to see my mate in Vienna and speak English. I have been lucky enough to encounter a lot of English in beautiful Lucerne, but I'm still keen for a proper English chit chat, idioms and all. 

Yesterday I encountered stunning scenery as my train meandered through the Swiss Alps and ventured through Germany and Austria namely Salzburg before arriving in Vienna. I've been in this stunning city before, I've witnessed the remarkable kindness and good humour of its people and I'm so pleased to be back. I'm also ridiculously happy that today I get the opportunity to chat with an old friend from my London days, whom I can speak incessant English to. Hooray!

It is funny though how as a writer our greatest asset, language, becomes our greatest weakness and we fall at the mercy of the kindness of others. To me that is an adventure and lesson within itself and God's way of forcing us to break down our own comfortability barriers to achieve the basics. Everybody needs humility like that.

Have a good day. Aud wiedersehn! 

Friday, 5 December 2014

A year of blessings

Every time we come to the end of a year we count all our blessings. It is here that we realise that almost if not for an entire year we have forgotten to count our blessings. It's rather human, sadly. So how do we make it right to ensure 2015 doesn't see us relapse into the same thought patterns?

First of all count your blessings, now! They don't have to big, you have had at least one blessing each week (and even that is a gross underestimation). Write them down! Now make a plan of attack for next year, here's a few of my suggestions. 

Create a unique way to collect your blessings on a regular basis next year. A few ideas:

1. Have a calendar just for blessings- it'll be ridiculously positive.
2. Create a special branch tree, like the one shown below, add a blessing to a branch each time your overwhelmed with simple or epic goodness.
3. Collect all your blessings in a jar and read a few out on each day in December. If your American or follow the Thanksgiving tradition why not start then?
4. Place a coin in a clear, visible jar and each time you are blessed by a situation or another person or experience a silver lining. On December 1 2015 donate your cash and be a blessing to somebody else (or a group of people). Alternatively you can spend it on your loved ones, Christmas festivities or a special holiday. 

For every blessing you receive give a blessing (be a blessing) to others, especially those you don't know or that you do not like. Help them, give directions, help a Mum get the kids and her mountain of groceries to the car, help the lost man find the grocery item or gift he needs. Talk to someone a little longer. Give away things you do not need.

Most of all do not do things with an expectation to get something in return, like recognition. This attitude means you have not provided a blessing but a mere obligation, people will see through that in 2 seconds flat too by the way. Life is better ultimately when we don't know the full outcome of the good things that we do, after all who isn't a fan of intrigue.

Well time to sign off, I hope this post has inspired you to stop the rigmarole and give yourself some added meaning next year. There really is no better currency then to judge your life on blessings. It will always give you grand perspective and keep you positive. 

Have a blessed day. Ciao!

My latest adventure

Currently I'm hauled up in Singapore awaiting my next flight through to Switzerland for a White Christmas and a European tour; I'm beyond excited. I have been waiting for this trip since Everest went pair shaped.

It's been a big year but what a superb way to end it touring Europe and catching up with old friends! I'm looking forward to Christmas decorations, laughter, new friends, adventure, the unknown and a wealth of inspiration from breathtaking scenery, idyllic cities and towns, lovely cultures and captivating history. I can't keep the smile off my face. 

I will try and update when I can. In the meantime I've pre-prepared a series of Christmas posts for my readers during my favourite season. I look forward to sharing tales with you in the near future. 

Enjoy the lead up to Christmas! Treat each other well.

Jules :)

Saturday, 25 October 2014

When I grew up

When I was about 7 years of age I would watch my Mother put her make up on and most importantly her lipstick. There was this one special lipstick that came in a spiralled gold container, to me it was the epitome of lipsticks. I can recall Mum allowing my sister and I to play with some of her make up, lipsticks included and I can even remember the day the gold lipstick became a part of our dress up adventures. It was so exciting, eyes widened, jaw dropped, Mum was the coolest ever. I remember thinking (possibly even saying to my sister) that one day I'd love to have lipsticks like Mum and be all fancy and grown up. 

Well today it's races day, as I look in my make up bag I see 8 lipsticks with lovely cases and it hits me. I am my Mum, the lady who I wanted to be, fancy and grown up. Admittedly I didn't envisage this day would ever come especially as the world of lip glosses and lip tints provided what I deemed as a less hardcore psychological transition to adulthood. Now though I must say I love my lipsticks, the way the cream texture rolls across my lips, alters the effect of my make up or if wearing red makes me feel ridiculously sexy. 

Needless to say then, today when I adorn my lovely  classy races dress with floral print fit for a spring carnival I am thrilled at the prospect of wearing a classic white fascinator, gorgeous heels, my Dior make up and of course red lipstick from a special little case. Growing up simply is, fun. 

Happy Saturday! 

Friday, 24 October 2014

Getting back to basics

I must confess there is something I haven't told you. All that physical & psychological Everest training, diet changing and subsequent upset from not climbing the great pinnacle sent my body into shock.

Now please do NOT hear me wrong on this: exercise is not bad for you, changing diets to suit conditions you will face is not bad for you not fully understanding your body IS.

 Prior to Everest training I considered myself a mere fitness junkie, I loved the adrenalin and endorphin rush that made my body feel so ridiculously good however during Everest training especially in the final lead up to the climb to be I came to know myself as an athlete. 30hours in the gym, solo trail adventures each weekend, psychology training and educating myself on the mountain I was to conquer made me feel well rounded and confident in my ability to succeed. However I did not account for the impact, physically and psychologically, that would occur if I couldn't complete something I trained two years for. So fast forward to July and I find myself an exhausted, highly emotional, depressed individual who was frustrated with herself on a daily basis for being incapable of completing simple tasks like staying awake past 12pm (after waking at 7am).

After frustration upon frustration, no motivation to exercise and multiple pregnancy tests; even though I knew it could only be an immaculate conception if I was pregnant, I acted on advice by a good friend and headed to a nutritionist and naturopath. The first time in my life. At the end of an hour consultation my mind was blown. My body had experienced physical shock as a response to the deep emotional attachment I had to long hard effort and a sudden cessation of many hours of exercise. My body had begun producing so much adrenalin that by 12pm I was exhausted of adrenalin needed for everyday activities. I had no iron stores, virtually no vitamin D, or b12. The diagnosis I was told: you present as a clinically depressed person, you'll need natural drugs to recover and don't expect your body to be back to full capacity until 6months later. Then I met my new world of supplement tablets and vitamin injections. 

As an epileptic (despite not experiencing the symptoms for 4 years now) tablets were not something new to add to my daily routine however at 5 a day already taken for normal functioning I wasn't too enthralled about this latest discovery. Either way I had no choice, I was feeling like a crazy person. So began 8 shots of vitamin D a day, iron tablets, 4 tablets to stimulate my adrenal glands (where adrenalin is produced), magnesium chelate and a multivitamin. At 19 extra substances (tablets or injections) a day it was (and still is) a tiresome process.

Along with these natural medications I was advised to force myself to exercise to stimulate my body more to produce its own adrenalin for longer periods of time and to remove the cortisol (stress hormone) that was taking over my body. Talk about tiresome. I had gone from a 430 or 5am riser every day of the week to someone who slept for 12 hours (6more than I am used to), wake a 7am exhausted and be struggling to stay away 5hours later. Stacey my naturopath and nutritionist encouraged me to get up regardless of how tired I was and walk for 10minutes even if afterwards I got back into bed. I was back to the very basics. 

Words cannot describe the frustration I felt, going to the gym and doing a workout ending in tears because my body was incapable of completing something I had done thousands of times over. Exercising for 10minutes instead of 2 or 3 hours at a time. Struggling to get out of bed even for the 10minutes. Not being able to put my hiking shoes back on my feet. Add to this my ridiculously poor diet of comfort eating, copious coffees a day or take outs (because I was barely awake at 5pm) which only added to the negative effects on my body because I was trying to fuel a broken body with nutrient lacking food. 

Stacey (my nutritionist and naturopath) told me that to feel better I had to forget the diet, change my mindset about exercise and rest. It was quite ironic because I thought my lesson from the Everest debacle was about resting my body. I wasn't wrong, but I didn't expect this. Now I am fully back to basics and I must say it has taken a while to change a mindset but I'm getting there. Now I am learning about feeding my body well for exercise (so you don't have to take protein powders etc), recovery and daily function right down to the molecular level. It has changed me for the better- you see I'm not wrong about silver linings in everything- so I am going to share with you what I have learnt.

1. Eat fats, carbohydrates and protein in every meal. Now before you say this isn't rocket science I want to tell you why and how you do this. The fats you eat should be predominantly healthy fats (like from foods such as salmon, avocado, nuts, 70% + cocoa chocolate, full cream milk and yoghurt). You can eat normal fats (chips, sweets & ordinary chocolate) but at a molecular level your body will be craving the healthy fat foods to satisfy dopamine and serotonin (predominantly) to aid in increasing mood, reducing stress and anxiety and therefore increasing happiness. It'll mean that indulging in these (still in moderation) healthy fats won't make you feel guilty or leave your body unsatisfied and therefore craving more. 

2. You must exercise everyday. Exercise doesn't have to be long and hard and it MUST include rest. Restful movement helps effort filled exercise to be more effective. Restful movement that is beneficial can be walking bare foot (the bare foot free sense is important) on the beach, swinging on swings or yoga for example. The most important part is recognising that you are disconnected- no phone/technology, just you and the space you are in. This was the hardest thing for me to learn because I didn't count walking on the beach as exercise. What helped? Honestly- getting a fitbit. It told me how much that 'lazy, relaxed' stroll added to my health and it was all I needed. 

3. Sleep. Sleep and sleep well. I have always said since I bought my $3,000 bed that I was the best investment that I had ever made and I'm not wrong. I am out like a light every time my body hits the latex pillow top and my neck, shoulders and back are supported into the perfect slumber. Whilst I have always slept enough for my exercise I didn't realise how much routines prior to bed affect my sleep. This is my sad truth about my routine..check facebook, check Instagram, check pinterest, set alarm, put on bedside dock and sleep. Again I didn't realise I wasn't in a deep sleep immediately and it was due to my technology habits. As soon as I acted on advice by Stacey and shut all internet devices off an hour before I was due to go to bed I slept remarkably well. I also must say how lovely it was to know that the hour prior to bed each night was my own. I was 100% in the company of others or 100%  committed to an individual, vegetative, relaxed state prior to snoozing off. This advice- second best investment yet.

4. Let yourself off the hook. This final piece of the puzzle that forced me to get back to basics was and still is difficult for me. A competitor, I suppose my whole life, I always competed with the person I was yesterday. Whether it be in sport, work or in life. I still don't like mistakes or not being good enough. I guess it's part of me that somehow got convinced that I can control and eliminate mistakes. Big problem- I'm human and practice doesn't even make near perfect. So when I fall of the health wagon or any other life path and make a mistake crucifying myself (and yourself if you are the same) achieves nothing positive. It will however create more cortisol and help you gain weight and steal your positive outlook. Now, letting things be (more frequently) makes me realise that the effort I make to run or help someone out is an effort that isn't easy and I need to celebrate those efforts. Once I did that, once you do, you realise letting yourself off the hook (when it is reasonable) is easy and feels good.

So there you have it. The mindset of an athlete. To me it is something worth sharing because despite what 'everyday' (not what I call them it's what non-Exercising people call themselves) people say being an athlete is difficult, you are constantly learning and you are not always getting things right. Many of us struggle with the 'fall out' when events don't go according to plan or set goals get rocked by physical roller coasters. I never imagined something I felt so successful in would end (thanks to natural events) and I'd be where I am now, back at the basic building blocks for health. I know though when it comes to my health and my next Everest attempt I am better for it physically and psychologically.

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Keep on getting on

Hello all. Recently I have been a little quiet and I want to apologise. Since losing my grandfather is has been hard to get my mind on track let alone feel like posting positive things when I am experiencing a roller coaster of emotions. As always though life has a silver lining. I have much to share with you. So you can expect, writing tips, the happy snaps project getting back on track, some knew found health knowledge, fitness workouts to keep your body healthy & a few posts about writing on location (in places I love!). I'm very excited about what's ahead and I look forward to sharing them with you. So stay tuned & make sure you share with me your thoughts on the blog. Happy Wednesday!

Jules :)

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Life's collection. What are you collecting?

On Saturday night I lost my grandfather; a sweet man who was a true gentleman. He loved ardently, remembered remarkably and delighted in sharing quality time with others. He will be sorely missed. I have several posts I had written prior to my grandfather passing away but right now I am not sure about their timing so instead of sharing my past posts I'm going to talk to you about life. 

Life is something that we all cherish more when we are at risk of losing it or when something reminds us of its fragility. While it was never my grandfather's approach to life it is one held by many; this nonchalant belief that 'it doesn't matter I'll have time.' You know what IT does. Whatever 'it' resembles to you, you need to do it. Time doesn't have a warning bell, it isn't always going to remind you to get your shit together and it shouldn't have to. This is why life MUST be about collecting memories and not things. I don't just mean mass material things that control our lives and our minds but I also mean the things that change our hearts and destroy our relationships like bitterness, jealousy, envy, anger and hatred.

Now you can justify till the cows come home that a $3000 watch, a $2000 mixer, $600 vacuum cleaner, $80 000 car, $600,000 house or a 20year old 'righteous' grudge makes you happy but here is the harsh reality:
On Earth without memories you merely exist as a set of business transactions, cards, rooms & buildings that need to be packed up, donated or sold. Nothing else. 
When people speak of you they won't care about those finer things in life they'll care about the quality time they had with you. They'll think of shared laughter, tears, stories, pain and the quality time you spent together. They will recognise how you treated others and contributed to the world. When they look on your life they won't just see stories but bravery, courage, strength, honesty, trustworthiness, determination and intelligence- but only if you show it. People will not say, 'he/she was a good talker but let many down'. They will only talk about the actions.

So I ask of you these things:
1. Who are you? 
2. What do you want?
3. What matters to you most & why?
4. What VALUES do you want to leave generations with? How will they positively impact on those that come after you?

Now ask yourself these things:
1. Do I have what I need?
2. Do I have too much of what I want?
3. Where can I down size?
4. What reminders can I give myself that LOVE not money/possessions/angst rules over my life? 

After you have done this look through your house. Spring clean. Get rid of excess. Donate. Go to Salvation Army Crisis Centres and give away your goods if you don't want people to have to pay for products that help them to survive everyday life.

Focus on giving not getting & collect memories of altruism. Add them to the memories you have and will continue to have of quality time spent with loved ones. FYI phones, tablets, Xbox, playstation do not count unless of course you are using it as a sporadic bonding sesh. Show others you care enough about them to speak. 

Collect memories not things so that when it is your time to be celebrated, just like my grandfather, the difficulty lies in summing up all the positive content of your life not finding some. 

Till next time xo

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Making everyday inspiration your written work

So you have participated or have followed my quest to complete A Written Revolution's photo project: 21 Happy Snaps but how do you turn it into a worthwhile piece of writing? 

Photography is an art just as creating literature is, it takes time, perseverance and a willingness to constantly improve ones self. As photographers (albeit amateur) we can choose to capture the literal meanings of words or we can search for something deeper that demonstrates the same meaning but has to be interpreted to be understood. Each of the topics on AWR's 21 Happy Snaps were comprised with the knowledge that care, kindness, love and an altruistic mindset bring the most, long lasting happiness for others and for ourselves. 

Have a look at the list. What do you see? When you read 'beautiful' do you automatically think of flowers, a stunning lady, a pretty sunrise or sunset or do you see simple things as beautiful? Random acts of kindness or different cultures choosing to understand each other? Now think of number 21 'happiness'. How many ways can you depict happiness? Where do we see it? How do we know when someone is happy? Is it always blatantly obvious or rather quietly present? 

You see whether you are capturing images or writing literature it is all about the perspective you choose to show. Everyone will look to see the immediate reactions to each word, to each common conflict or character, our challenge as writers is to show them that life is a loudspeaker and a whispering voice. We need to direct our reader's mind to a world where they can identify the difference and they want to look for it in their own lives; they want to engage with the characters & be surprised by where you take them. After all know one wants to read a story they already know the ending to in the first 5minutes. 

Therefore I encourage you look at the topics from here on in and think of the different ways the topic could be captured from. Then photograph and write about the loudspeaker, in your face immediate response and also about the quiet, whispering voice that hints to you a different direction that could be more powerful, yet show the same meaning. After 3 days and letting it sit, without you mulling over it, reflect on your work with a clear mind. 

Please feel free to share your work on the Facebook page. 

Saturday, 11 October 2014

How do I begin?

The life of a writer is an inconvenient one. Many occasions in my life I have been wandering around, speaking with friends or even sleeping and I am awoken to a story stirring in my mind. There is nothing greater than inspiration that springs haphazardly out of life, however those who really embody writing know that at some point we all get writer's block. So how do we quit the frustration and begin?

Firstly I must begin by saying that writers just like artists are perfectionists at least to some degree. We can produce work time and time again and we will always return to it with further edits, never in a way happy with the final product. In some ways this makes us successful in our jobs and in others highly unproductive. To me perfectionism and one other thing, life, gets in the way of beginning writing. 

Life as we know it has it's ups and downs and whether we choose to recognise it or not it impacts on our ability to get the creative juices flowing. Whilst anger, jealousy, hatred and revenge have no doubt assisted people to write about such topics, harbouring that in your own life makes solving the climax to stories difficult and focussing properly almost impossible. Similarly unresolved issues can produce some ideas for stories however unless your prepared to become bare throughout the course of a story or expose those you got your inspiration from you'll end up in a writing rut. 

So how do you stop this? Writing doesn't always have to be about producing a literary artwork it can be writing for writing's sake. It has long been identified that writing about how you feel will enhance your current mood and situation. So why not begin by writing about how you got into the rut, why your frustrated and what you want to achieve. You might be surprised how the writing randomly turns up. Secondly, this is the best piece of advice I have ever received (I'll be honest I didn't believe in it at first because I thought it would kill the creativity in my stories); write everyday. Do not include work (if you aren't currently paid as a writer). Write a journal, write jokes, write lunchbox notes for your loved ones, bring back the art of letter writing, describe a setting. Just write. If you still struggle I recommend this:
Change your routine. Writers get used to a routine, their go to places for inspiration- which leaves their work sometimes stagnant and boring. So go somewhere different. Write in a different place or take yourself somewhere where the sounds in the environment can be what you begin to describe. Soon you'll be writing something. 

Most importantly though do not decide to stop writing if you are in a rut and cannot begin. Do not assume that you are no longer a writer. Do not give up. Failure is merely a subject created by you. 

Good luck with the writing,
Jules xo

Sunday, 5 October 2014

A spring smoothie!

Recently I have really been embracing making my own juice. It's amazing how lovely it feels to create my own 'product' each morning. What's more I have come to understand more clearly the impact of portions when I create food myself instead of buying it off the shelf. A juice lover my whole life it has always been my vice in the fight between a cup of juice in the morning or 2 pieces of fruit in the day. Thanks to my trusty blender (and the experience of using one of my client's Breville Juice Fountain machines) I have come to understand a whole lot about juice and fructose. So what is it?

Fructose is fruit sugar. Just like everything we eat, if we have too much of it, it is not good for us and can help us stack on the weight in all of our favourite places. 

I have studied about fructose and the importance of it for the body but since I typically buy juice from the shop laced with preservatives and other kinds of rubbish I've never come to understand the real sweetness of fruit and it's sugar in the purest form. Enter blender/juice fountain and the muffin top defying lesson- pure juice is delicious and super sweet, so much so that you won't crave more juice when you have experienced the real stuff made fresh.

Some of you probably are thinking 'what a dork? Of course that would be the case'. But have you tried fresh, homemade juice? I guarantee you if you do you will immediately feel freedom from the juice guzzling days, where you'd convince yourself drinking juice was far better than Coke or countless sugar filled coffees. You will also know exactly what you put in your mouth (goes without saying) and you can portion your food effectively and start achieving positive outcomes like reducing your muffin top or even simply decreasing your daily sugar intake. You don't have to be a juice guru either to be successful. I simply think of foods and throw them together and see how they go (sometimes silently cringing it'll be rubbish- but that hasn't happened yet!). Here's three recipes I have made recently that were delicious & sweet enough to satisfy my sugar cravings all day long! Enjoy!

Tinkled pink
-1/2 cup raspberries (roughly)
-a handful of blackberries
-3 dessert spoons of natural yoghurt
-a handful of slivered almonds and pine nuts crushed
-a splashing (probably a cup's worth, I didn't measure this out) of Almond milk

Mix all your ingredients together. You can use fresh or frozen berries, I used frozen to save time on crushing ice. 

Apple a day
-2 fresh apples (pink lady or gala are best)
-nothing else! 😱
Method: blend & enjoy

Fruity bliss
-handful of fresh pineapple
-orange juice (already juiced fresh is best/no added sugar if bought)
-2 apples
-handful of frozen raspberries.
Method: blend & enjoy. For a metabolic kick have a glass of warm water & lemon before hand. 

Simple huh! Now if your not a fly by the seat of your pants or go with the flow foodie I suggest you try and let go of the control reigns, juice can really become something else when you just wing it! You'll start making flavour combinations based on your taste buds not on what others suggest, yes it could mean some surprise chef disasters but learning & experiencing self-made success and having the ability to laugh at yourself are two extremely awesome qualities you don't want to miss out on! 

Till next time...enjoy!

Ps: if you've got a smoothie/juice suggestion for me of your own creation hit me up I'd love to try it, photograph it & boast about your foodie talent! Ciao! Xo

Fresh Apple Juice. Super sweet treat!

Tickled pink smoothie!

Thursday, 25 September 2014

A Written Revolution's 21 Happy Snaps

Hey all,

At A Written Revolution it is all about being happy and passionate about life whether that manifests itself in writing or other aspects of our lives. When we are happy we are productive, pleasant people who are of greater benefit to others and ourselves. Sometimes its easy to forget, especially when the world appears to be getting crazy, how important it is to be a happy, passionate influence on the world. To cultivate this within us I have developed a little photographic project, 21 Happy Snaps.

21 Happy Snaps requires 1 photo for 21 days that focuses on being happy and passionate about life. Why 21 days? Well because 21 days is what it takes to break a habit and therefore alter your mindset towards positivity, happiness and a passionate life. Better still, you are not confined to a particular month, simply take the 21 photos in succession. Each day I will contribute my photos to the Facebook page also titled A Written Revolution and throughout the 21 days I will show you how photographic images can become the stimulus for your writing right here on the blog. Want to take part? Simply check out the topics and start photographing. Make sure you add the #awr21happysnaps to your work as well so your creativity can be shared in a community and perhaps even be used to inspire some of my writing! 

Happy photographing, Jules! 

Sunday, 7 September 2014

A Father worth celebrating

For 28years of my life I have had one man by my side, a man who constantly supports me, loves me and has worked tirelessly to provide for me- my father Robert Trask. Each year Father's Day comes around and each year a common thing happens- I find it difficult to put into words what he has done for me and continues to do. This year I'm trying harder...

On January 28 1986 I met my father, through the first tears, haircut, tooth appearances, nappy changes and father-daughter bonding time it didn't take long for Robert to become Dad. Over the years I would get to know a man who wanted to do everything well, worked hard, disciplined strongly, loved endlessly and believed in God ardently. But it wasn't all perfect and neither was Dad. The best part about having a Dad who isn't perfect was that he was and still is real. Through his real-ness I could come to understand constantly over the stages of my life (and now as well) that I could be real too. I was able to be a mixture of goodness and mistakes. In my adulthood it is this constant lesson, taught advertently or inadvertently, that helped me more than anything, but it is the relationship Dad & I have that I cherish the most. 

For me Dad was the person as I child I had to shout at to stop tickling me; he was the wrestler, the player & the handyman, even to this day. None of my childhood memories have a year without Dad fixing something, he's able to build part of our house, rebuild engines, create makeshift pools & hug me when I need it. 

An intelligent, creative, selfless and driven man it's not surprising that I was left with a pretty impressive gene pool (especially when you add Mum to the mix). A fitter and turner, teacher, photographer, charity worker for broken young kids and owner of a business degree he sure taught my brother, sister & I that your career doesn't end with your qualification. But the resume of mass skills is not what I love the most, it's the quality time I get to spend with him. 

Over the years my life and Dad's life has changed but the desire for quality time shared together will never change. So Dad, if your reading this, thanks for all the life lessons, being your imperfect self (like me), setting a standard for any future significant other of mine and for quality time shared so far; I truly cherish it. 

For my readers reading this thank your Dad, thank him for the moments, the support and who he is. If you're a father make sure you remember your child craves time with you more than anything else. For anybody who doesn't know or have a relationship with your father celebrate the a Dad around you- the man who provides an example for you that you are honoured to call him 'family'. Most importantly everybody needs to remember this, sometimes Dad isn't there, he's working or busy on another project but he's working for you and that is still love.

Happy Father's Day to all the special men out there! Till next time...

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

It's easier being angry

In a world full of disappointments, an over abundance of bureaucracy and where people justify their horrific actions with 'just cos' responses it's blatantly obvious that being angry is the easiest reaction we can have. Humans love this reaction so much that when someone have a positive mentality to their life or heaven forbid offer forgiveness to another, people shoot them down as being fickle and ridiculous. Our infatuation to reach for the reaction of anger in every aspect of our lives in so prominent that we glorify any other mature, helpful reaction to life as miraculous. So how do we change our angry, negative mentality, help ourselves and positively contribute to the world? It's all in the mindset.

Our mentality is greatly affected by what we allow our minds to accept. Always entertaining the negative means negative outcomes and a negative attitude are guarantees. Conversely positive thoughts produce positive outcomes and attitudes. This isn't new information for us though. Everybody knows positivity is the key to being happy however few recognise how important little steps are to making a big change. 

For anybody who has ever achieved a goal you will understand the little steps it takes to accomplish your desires. Without these little steps goals are not fulfilled and it's exactly the same with changing a negative mindset to a positive one. So what little steps can you make now to change your mindset?

1. Listen to your words. Many of us listen to speak and not to hear. You need to listen to what you say and recognise it has a spiral effect on how you feel. Science proves the mind and body are connected, don't go kidding yourself. Some people might find themselves saying 'I can't do this' when they haven't even tried. Here's my advice for you- quit while your ahead darling. If you aren't willing to try, accept that whatever circumstance you are in it will NEVER change. If 'can't' is in your vocabulary banish it!

2. Become friends with high modality words. These words demonstrate the certainty of something. Key words to keep in your think tank- will, can, do, is. You'll be surprised how saying 'I will complete my task' instead of 'I should get that task done' brings you a sense of ownership and achievement.

3. Be prepared to be silly. This is probably the tip most people will laugh at and say 'yeh right' but it is also the reason why they don't change their mindset. Positive affirmations are important, we need to tell ourselves things at times before we come to know them as truths. Positive actions are also very important. If you don't like your appearance or your just having an off day look in the mirror, tell yourself how handsome or beautiful you are- steer away from sexy, it reduces you to an object not a person with superb personality & stunning physical features (which everyone has a least one of!). If your feeling grumpy or sad make yourself smile or laugh, granted you'll feel like a loser but you will absolutely end up laughing genuinely about your attempts to be positive and then...well it worked! 

4. Ban the news. Let's face it the news for a large proportion of its air time focuses on negative things. While you shouldn't be naive to the world around us it serves us no purpose seeing an article or watching a headline that has graphic images of suffering or death. News can exist without this graphic content- find the newspapers that don't allow mass exodus of graphic images or switch the television to something more positive, you will scarcely find anything positive on the news.

5. Rid yourself of negative people. This can be super hard because there is far more negative people than positive, so here's 2 suggestions. If you cannot remove yourself from the situation to get a breath and be positive (and reflect on how lucky you are to have a positive mindset) absolutely do NOT allow others to entertain their negativity in conversations with you. This will mean your positivity won't be affected as much but also they will start talking less negatively which has only good effects on their body and mind!

6. On hard days where 3 or more bad things seem to happen in quick succession you must look for the silver lining. Remind yourself too that at times it doesn't come straight away but the excitement of finding out what it is could spur you on. Also if need be get someone else's perspective. If your complaining about not having something or things being difficult why not look up the life situations of women who cannot carry water everyday in Africa without endangering their lives, or children who have less than $2 to feed themselves a day. Read their stories, find inspiration in the fact that they cherish what they do have. Be careful here though when you recognise silver linings for others, who still cling to negativity, to help them rid themselves of anger they may make a mockery out if you. In essence they are saying 'I want to own my anger leave me be.' So leave them, if someone wants to go to bed angry every night and mull over things long gone let them- it's only doing them damage & hey you tried.

7. Ask yourself what you want. If success and happiness is a part of it you MUST change your mindset or you will never achieve those things- whatever they may be. True happiness after all comes not from things but through doing things for others and loving our lives and ourselves.

8. Still not convinced? Write a diary for a week on how much energy you have. List the most important things that you frequently write about- they will possibly be the things that bother you that you could do something about. Read your old entry back a day later and reflect on what you wrote. Did the bothers of yesterday matter today? Did you have much energy? Anger robs you of energy, so while it might be the easiest way to react it is also the easiest way to get tired, sick and lonely. Again...what do you want?

So now you have tips to begin your probably wondering 'what happens if I fall off the bandwagon?' Get back up. We humans know what we want- if anything 'want' is the most overused word we speak to each other about- so tell yourself what you want and then begin the steps again and be realistic. 

Big changes especially our attitude, comes with hard times, you will experience great highs and epic lows on your quest to reach any goal you desire but this is where the achievement lies. There is no success in getting a promotion if you didn't have to work for it. There is no success in understanding your own beauty if you wear make up everyday. There is no success in losing weight if you never exercised- you're merely giving yourself an intermission to returning to your original 'uninspiring, emotionally annoying' body shape. Most importantly however, there is no success in being positive only on days where things are great.

Today's society has begun to tell us that we can have what we want now and it won't be hard work but we need to get real with ourselves. We only create our own disappointments by having this opinion. When it comes down to it no one gets anything for nothing. Being positive isn't easy (especially when you have jealous haters) and life will knock you down to see how far you've come- accept it as a challenge, recognise your gains and never go back to thinking about the days that once were. Through this your personality and your outlook on life will become infectious and to me that is an infection the world needs right now.

Till next time...

Monday, 11 August 2014

Melbourne 3 ways

As a traveller you can attack travel in many ways; solo, with friends, lovers, locals, tourists only, on a budget, with expense. You can escape to the country or basque in the hustle of a bustling night space. For me, I say why not do all of them?

I've travelled around before, domestically and internationally, chosen a style and stuck with it but nothing beats doing it all in one trip. this daring palette of literature I endeavour to plate up a hunger for truly adventurous travelling and open minded experiences. Get ready, your about to dive into Melbourne 3 ways.

Melbourne- sightseeing style
Ever had a dining experience that awakened all of your senses, kept your taste buds entertained all night leaving you with memories that lasted beyond the occasion? This is what the Great Ocean Road will provide.

The Great Ocean Road is a stunning stretch of the Victorian coastline about 1 hour and 50 minutes from Melbourne's Tullamarine Airport. Whilst it technically begins at Torquay I highly recommend beginning your seaside journey with a quick stop off at Geelong Waterfront. A coffee at Baveras Brasserie on Cunningham's Pier cannot be missed. The staff are friendly and the view stunning. Here you are bound to set a relaxing tone for your special holiday.

Baveras Brasserie stunningly located at the edge of Cunningham's Pier

Beyond here you'll find Torquay on the fringe of the Great Ocean Road- its the first glimpse of the coastline to come. It also boasts the world's largest surf museum, Surf World, that would interest anybody- the display demonstrates the interesting innovations that saw the development of surfboard technology over time; well worth the $12 entry fee. In Torquay you'll also find a cafe restaurant right on the beach, Bomboras, that boasts a mean chocolate chip cookie, lovely wooden deckchairs and of course a very relaxing view. Make sure you head to the observatory deck on top of the cafe too to snap up some pictures of the bay.

Torquay- where the awes begin

After Torquay you'll encounter Angelsea which is a small yet quaint town, you will also encounter several beautiful little specialist cafes and wineries just off the main road- experience them. In fact you will find there are many places throughout the entireity of the Great Ocean Road that you will want to stop off at so I suggest you have an idea of how far you want to drive, your must sees and how much time you want to spend at each place, then you'll know how much 'play' time you have because on the Great Ocean Road you will want to be flexible.
Speaking of stop offs if you are worried that you might not be able to capture the images you find on Google fear not- the road has many landings to park your car and soak up the views. Do pull over and soak it up, also make sure you get off the beaten track, some of my best experiences were stopping where no one was (and where no signs labelled the destination) because you saw completely unspoilt views of the magnificent landscape that is The Great Ocean Road.

A secret unspoilt view of the precious landscape.
Now onto Bells Beach. Well to many the name says it all, surfing mecca of Australia where surfing is made famous every year by the Quicksilver and Ripcurl Pro Surfing competitions. What is not explained to Australians or Internationals alike is that the locals are one with the ocean here. They know it inside out, they live it, breathe it, love it and most of all aren't afraid of the ocean's sheer power. When I visited I spoke to a father of  a boy about 13years of age and I asked him about the temperature of the water and whether he was worried about the waves (about 1.8metres and dumping heavily at the edge of the beach). He informed me that it was typically 13 degrees in winter and that he never feared the water or its power because they had grown up learning about it, understanding how to time the waves, the dangers of the sea and what to do should anything happen. Surfers of all ages frequent the water all year around here and you can see why, the sets never stop rolling in and the water is stunning. You will encounter males, females, teenagers, 60year olds, young children, nonchalantly removing their working attire to get amongst the waves- in their droves. It is something else. For non or amateur surfers its pleasurable within itself sitting on the dunes and cliffs and witnessing the talent carve up the waves, completing tricks we only dream about. Next stop?

Bells Beach, Victoria, Australia

Lorne. Lorne is a lovely town that is probably the most picturesque with the most facilities until you get to St Petersburgh. It has great little shops, the beautiful and easily accessible Erskine Waterfalls and a local pub with postcard views. Enjoy a beer there or take a drive further along the main road to Lorne Pier to soak it all in. Unfortunately however you will pay a lot more for meals in Lorne because it is a high tourist area which is made popular by tourists frequently. Don't skip it, just be prepared for some more hefty prices.
Picture perfect Lorne
Erskine Waterfalls, just 5 minutes outside of Lorne, super peaceful

After Lorne there are several lovely little towns, many of which would make for excellent beverage stops if you can take turns driving and are lighter on the wallet. If going solo and driving back on The Great Ocean Road on your return to Melbourne make sure you have Wye River on your list. Locals enjoy soccer on the beach in the afternoons with branches as goal posts and you can meander across the road later for a refreshment at the local which has elevated views of the ocean.
Wye would you pass up these views? -Wye River Pub, Great Ocean Road, Victoria. 

Of course there are plenty of locations you can choose to stay at throughout the 200 plus kilometre journey on The Great Ocean Road, it simply depends on your style. I chose to use Airbnb so that I can experience it the local way. AirBnb is an online website whereby people list rooms or whole houses for rent and they include breakfast, as your host is typically present you get local knowledge and breakfast included in the price. My accomodation was located in Skenes Creek just 6km north of Apollo Bay (Lorne side). It was a perfect location as it was easy to go to Lorne quickly, a super fast trek to Apollo Bay (and the ridiculously cheap and tasty fish and chips in the main street) and the turn off to Otways National Park and Treetop Adventures (and the 2hour fast track back road to Melbourne airport) was 700 metres down the road. Each day I woke up with a lovely view of Apollo Bay, breakfast and travel tips for a ridiculous $70 a night. Needless to say I highly recommend AirBnb. This was the first time I used AirBnb as a solo traveller and I will be doing it again. My host was a male who lived on his own but I wasn't worried at all (thanks to plenty of great reviews that gave me superb insight), he was helpful, entertaining and fun but I guess you can expect that from a piano playing fisherman.

The stunning view of Apollo Bay from my $70/night Airbnb accommodation.

Beyond Skenes Creek and Apollo Bay there is so much I could write about and in detail so instead I'm going to write a list of must-do stop offs on the way.

  • Apollo Bay Hotel- dinner approximately $24 for a main meal, food was tasty.
  • Apollo Bay Fish and Chips- located in the main street, too cheap and tasty to miss. Skip the fish and chips in Lorne and get twice the amount for half the cost here!
  • Cape Otway Lighthouse- the most important lighthouse for Australia. Wonderful views but you will definitely need a good jacket in winter and hats secured tightly as the wind gets up! It was 39 knots the day I walked up.
  • Lavers Hill- one of major final fuel stops prior to Port Stephenson, also has some cute cafes. Otway Treetop Escape is accessible from here, approximately 12km away.
  • Loch Ard Gorge and The Razor Back- MUST see. It is breathtaking. I sat there in awe, didn't speak, just captured it to memory until I realised I wasn't going to leave without an image of 'that' place. It was stunning. 
  • Gibson steps- many people stop here but few get on to the sand and enjoy the experience of being right near the cliffs and the first apostle. You have to do this. The water was surprisingly warm for the chilly 7 degrees I was experiencing on sand. I do recommend flip flops or thongs though.
Cape Otway Lighthouse

Gibson's Steps- a trek well worth the journey

Razor Back

So what if a driving tour and staying with locals isn't for you? Perhaps you just have time for Melbourne- you want to see a lot but save the pennies for those special purchases along the way or some crazy fun nights out? Then you'll want...Melbourne's budget beauties.

Melbourne's budget beauties
If you are off to Melbourne and would like to experience all the joys of the city whilst ensuring you are in a great location and have a nice place to stay there is 1 hotel that I can recommend with pure confidence that you will be in superb hands- Seasons Botanic Gardens. If you choose to stay here you will immediately feel at home when greeted by the receptionists. Located on St Kilda road, Google Maps will have you thinking it is well out of the city but it is in easy walking distance to everything you would want to see and bonus, you wake up in the morning looking at the Shrine of Remembrance and surrounding gardens.

Irrespective of wherever you decide to stay you should definitely use the following websites to make your holiday accommodation less expensive, leaving more money for experiences, shopping and special memorabilia. The websites to use for cheap accommodation are:
  • Hotel Club
Now for the exploring, there really is so much to be done and you can (if you want to) squeeze a lot in, in a day. Here are my tips:
  • Walk around the Botanic Gardens, have a picnic/take a book. Definitely take a camera
  • Visit the Shrine of Remembrance
  • Go to the AMCI centre in Federation Square- it is truly fantastic! I only went to the free exhibition however you can also pay ($15 or more) to see some superb shows. Don't miss the free exhibition! It was a highlight for me.
  • Art museums- all of them! They all have something special- again definitely do the free ones, if you want to see something specific pay for the special showcases.
  • Carlton Gardens- they are lovely (they also featured in Offspring!)
  • Take the free city circle tram, I'd recommend you do this first you'll get an idea of where you want to go in the next few days of your trip.
  • Take a walk in Southbank, it is very lovely- has art statues and a very lovely vibe- by now if you have done everything else you can enjoy a tasty feed in any of the delicious and ambient restaurants that line the bank. Also don't forget to take a snap of the city (the old and the new) from this side of the Yarra.
  • Go to Haigh's Chocolates on Collins Street and taste test some of their lovely chocolates for FREE!
  • Put some pennies on your myki and take a ride to St Kilda for a stroll along their beach and lovely café precinct
Melbourne from Southbank

Simple pleasures in the city
The Shrine of Remembrance, your view from Seasons Botanic Gardens.

Want to spend your last few moments in sheer luxury? Then for your last few nights in Melbourne swap the budget for some style.

Melbourne in style
Now before I go on let's be clear Melbourne has a lot of style. The city boasts culture from all over the world so you can indulge in whatever in is that you desire but for me Melbourne in style is about soaking up the loveliness on offer and taking time. So for this itinerary be prepared for comfort, style and a slow pace.

For those who don't know Melbourne is a city who's laneways are the life of the party, so it is here you will find many hidden treasures that make you feel like your discovery is special. Don't get me wrong however there is plenty to discover outside of these laneways as well. Either way here's my top tips for Melbourne in style.
  • Begin your day with a breakfast at Top Paddock where you can take the time to enjoy a delicious Eggs Benedict or get a little brave with some of their alternate menu choices.
  • Heading into the city for some exploration? Take a step back in time and enjoy the luxury of old English charm with a tour of Melbourne city by a horse drawn carriage.
  • For brunch head to Manchester Press and enjoy a seriously smooth coffee, ambient surrounds and great food. This little space is popular so try and beat popular eating times. You'll find this gem on Rankin Lane. It is also not far from Bourke Street Mall where all your shopping needs are sure to be catered for with high end boutiques in quaint laneways.
  • After brunch why not head to the Royal Exhibition Building learn about this World Heritage listed site and check out any exhibitions of interest. A truly stunning building that runs regular tours at a surprisingly small cost, you'll also be able to explore the beauty of the Carlton Gardens just outside.
  • Post brunch, its time to indulge in a lovely lunch. For me nothing says 'Melbourne' like Lygon Street and the Italian that is on offer. Stroll along the street and make your choice and enjoy a bottle of wine while you let the Italian chefs do what they do best...cook authentic Italian food.
  • When your done you can choose to stay in the city or head out to St Kilda and splurge on a 1.5hour treatment by the Spa Dreamtime crew that will leave you in blissful peace and ready for a relaxed night out.
  • Back in Melbourne and feeling a little peckish try one of these three places, Lindt Chocolate Café in Southbank, Gelato Messino for a cheap but ridiculously tantalising tastebud sesh or Burch and Purchese Sweet Studio. Enjoy there or take your treats with you to Hosier Lane to witness some amazing Graffiti artwork.
  • Come dusk there's one thing you are going to want to make a priority- Eureka Skydeck. Most hotels do provide discounts but for the view it really is still worth the full price. Check it out and definitely walk out on to the ledge to get the adrenaline pumping- you'll also force yourself to soak up the view, because no cameras are allowed. Why dusk? The view is perfect, you see the lushness of the city's parks and lights starting to brighten the sky just as the sun falls to sleep. Perfect.
  • Post here you can choose to eat at the restaurant on site, go somewhere else you discovered earlier in the day or head back to your hotel, enjoy a bath/spa soak and get ready for the last final stop off to make the day special...the cocktail bar. 1806 is a cocktail and wine bar with an amazing range of cocktails, liked by many Melbournians and known for its ambience, staff knowledge and great service. A great way to end a superb day I say.

Bourke Street Mall, a shopper's paradise.
Royal exhibition building tulips straight.jpg
Royal Exhibition Building & Carlton Gardens, Melbourne

Manchester Press, Rankin Lane, Melbourne, Victoria.
    So there you have it, Melbourne 3 different ways, with expense and style, sightseeing with local knowledge and on a budget. It really is possible to do it all, and it opens yourself up to meeting a very wide range of people- from homeless to hipsters and even potential moguls; for me that is what travel is about- immersing yourself in culture and taking away all the good everyone has to offer. I hope you enjoyed the post and that you make the locations mentioned a part of your 'to do travel list' for the future. Till next time...