Saturday, 13 December 2014


The nature of a freelance writer means that we are compelled to write at the most random of times. It also means our imagination takes us on journeys we didn't foresee and I love that. See what you think. Obviously respect the nature of literature please & credit Julia Trask (me) if you share. Thank you.

Hands in hands. A playful joke. The forehead kiss and adoring smile. Walking cobble stoned streets aged in happiness. It's pure love and affection. It doesn't require the knowledge of sexual desire to determine love, it is love. Here making love is an extension of a million and one tiny everyday acts of affection that tell the world 'they' are your person. Gentlemanly approach simply to be good men increases the exponential wealth of women as valued partners. Conversation not power, time not stress, and quality not quantity. A simplistic, pure love that cannot be rated as it's value is priceless.

-inspired by couples walking the Lucerne streets7 December 2014, written at 4am.

I wonder what the fellow passengers would feel if I just broke into song, dancing down the isle like Carey Grant in his socks and jocks requesting others to join in the fun?

I can see the orchestrated performance playing out in the first impromptu gig ever on an A380. We'd dance like crazy, laugh, kids would cackle in happiness-the musician in front of me would get her violin out and seamlessly fit in with the production. The cords would twitch every passengers' muscle in unison, grannies grooving in their seats, all ages gracing the isles, cultures, languages intertwined on Singapore airlines. Our motion and emotion seamlessly one. Hot hand towels are thrown in glee- and carefully caressed by the tongs upon the closure and subsequent encore of Life is a Highway lead by Australians and supported by the cabin crew. The entire economy class cracks up in laughter then sits silently with effervescent smiles planted on their faces.

-inspired by my inflight entertainment & restlessness amid 27hr flight to Zurich

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