Saturday, 13 December 2014


The nature of a freelance writer means that we are compelled to write at the most random of times. It also means our imagination takes us on journeys we didn't foresee and I love that. See what you think. Obviously respect the nature of literature please & credit Julia Trask (me) if you share. Thank you.

Hands in hands. A playful joke. The forehead kiss and adoring smile. Walking cobble stoned streets aged in happiness. It's pure love and affection. It doesn't require the knowledge of sexual desire to determine love, it is love. Here making love is an extension of a million and one tiny everyday acts of affection that tell the world 'they' are your person. Gentlemanly approach simply to be good men increases the exponential wealth of women as valued partners. Conversation not power, time not stress, and quality not quantity. A simplistic, pure love that cannot be rated as it's value is priceless.

-inspired by couples walking the Lucerne streets7 December 2014, written at 4am.

I wonder what the fellow passengers would feel if I just broke into song, dancing down the isle like Carey Grant in his socks and jocks requesting others to join in the fun?

I can see the orchestrated performance playing out in the first impromptu gig ever on an A380. We'd dance like crazy, laugh, kids would cackle in happiness-the musician in front of me would get her violin out and seamlessly fit in with the production. The cords would twitch every passengers' muscle in unison, grannies grooving in their seats, all ages gracing the isles, cultures, languages intertwined on Singapore airlines. Our motion and emotion seamlessly one. Hot hand towels are thrown in glee- and carefully caressed by the tongs upon the closure and subsequent encore of Life is a Highway lead by Australians and supported by the cabin crew. The entire economy class cracks up in laughter then sits silently with effervescent smiles planted on their faces.

-inspired by my inflight entertainment & restlessness amid 27hr flight to Zurich

A joyful Christmas season for all

Everyone loves the Christmas season but they some also love making it unpleasant for others in their quest to get prepared for the season. Not to self everyone- we are all in the Christmas rat race- calm down and everyone will be happier. Sometimes we try and do more than we need to- I'm a classic for this, trying to move house 2 days before I leave for a European holiday- stop. Now. Look after yourself and be joyfully stress less before Christmas, it'll make the season more brilliant than ever.

Here's some tips to brighten your mood and reduce stress in the lead up to Christmas. 

1. Always allow for 30minutes of added travel time and parking. Be prepared to stalk people for a cark park. Patience is the key.

2. Shop block. Buy all the things you need at one shopping centre at once. It means one Carpark, one busy shopping adventure and one adventure and one event of long cues. It's also far more efficient. 

3. Know what your gong to buy before you go. If you don't know trawl the internet for ideas. Pinterest is a wealth of ideas. If your buying electronics make sure you request a match of online prices. 

4. Time frame shopping visits. Super important. When you know how much you have to do to be prepared for guests, the holiday or cooking prep there is nothing worse than knowing a shop stole your time and sanity. Include your 30 minute extra travel allowance.

5. Let people go ahead of you. It might sound crazy but the favour is always returned. Conversely if you are always impatient and butt in expect people to do the same to you. Cities are far better than regional towns with this, because they understand the rat race day in day out. Only exception perhaps- parking.

6. Use the troops. Got young children? Teenagers? Assemble the troops, give them purpose and a job that helps you out (it might also get them out of your hair for a bit).

7. Only do things that can be done at night at night. It sounds weird but why spend a day cooking or writing Christmas cards when you can watch your favourite television show, write your cards out or multitask with dinner and Christmas food prep?

8. Music. Always music and fun music. It doesn't have to be fun Christmas music (in fact you probably need to sub it out for sanity sakes) but play it loud, proud and sing! Laugh and careless what people think!

In any case whether it's these things or others, have a joyful Christmas and make sure you are helping others to be joyful in the lead up to Christmas as well. Till next time...

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

The latest from Europe

I've never embraced travelling to a country on my own that doesn't speak English as it's first language. I think it's definitely part of the adventure and completely worthwhile but I tell you what it is tiring. On Friday, 5th December, I had my biggest sleep ever. 17hours! I think that would rival my latest nephew who is 3 weeks old!

Travelling for 27hours (21hours flying, 6 hours of stop over) I managed to get about 12hours of sleep which was miraculous, but to land and be confronted by about 2% of the population speaking English; that was a challenge.

I became so instantly tired trying to absorb and code break as much of the language as I could. Looking for anyone who could help. By nightfall I was keen for television but all I encountered was German. I got excited when NCIS and CSI Miami came on as I thought American TV; downtime for my brain but it was dubbed in German. I resorted to YouTube runs of Karl Stefanovic's hilarity on breakfast tele and listening to music to gain the English I craved. 

Still now 5 days into my trip I'm craving English. I feel like a mute, unable to communicate and acutely aware of how an ESL person would feel in Australia. It's tough!

I have regular visions of meeting a fellow Aussie where I can yell, "Hey! How you going mate? What's news? Let's have a beer!" I cannot wait to see my mate in Vienna and speak English. I have been lucky enough to encounter a lot of English in beautiful Lucerne, but I'm still keen for a proper English chit chat, idioms and all. 

Yesterday I encountered stunning scenery as my train meandered through the Swiss Alps and ventured through Germany and Austria namely Salzburg before arriving in Vienna. I've been in this stunning city before, I've witnessed the remarkable kindness and good humour of its people and I'm so pleased to be back. I'm also ridiculously happy that today I get the opportunity to chat with an old friend from my London days, whom I can speak incessant English to. Hooray!

It is funny though how as a writer our greatest asset, language, becomes our greatest weakness and we fall at the mercy of the kindness of others. To me that is an adventure and lesson within itself and God's way of forcing us to break down our own comfortability barriers to achieve the basics. Everybody needs humility like that.

Have a good day. Aud wiedersehn! 

Friday, 5 December 2014

A year of blessings

Every time we come to the end of a year we count all our blessings. It is here that we realise that almost if not for an entire year we have forgotten to count our blessings. It's rather human, sadly. So how do we make it right to ensure 2015 doesn't see us relapse into the same thought patterns?

First of all count your blessings, now! They don't have to big, you have had at least one blessing each week (and even that is a gross underestimation). Write them down! Now make a plan of attack for next year, here's a few of my suggestions. 

Create a unique way to collect your blessings on a regular basis next year. A few ideas:

1. Have a calendar just for blessings- it'll be ridiculously positive.
2. Create a special branch tree, like the one shown below, add a blessing to a branch each time your overwhelmed with simple or epic goodness.
3. Collect all your blessings in a jar and read a few out on each day in December. If your American or follow the Thanksgiving tradition why not start then?
4. Place a coin in a clear, visible jar and each time you are blessed by a situation or another person or experience a silver lining. On December 1 2015 donate your cash and be a blessing to somebody else (or a group of people). Alternatively you can spend it on your loved ones, Christmas festivities or a special holiday. 

For every blessing you receive give a blessing (be a blessing) to others, especially those you don't know or that you do not like. Help them, give directions, help a Mum get the kids and her mountain of groceries to the car, help the lost man find the grocery item or gift he needs. Talk to someone a little longer. Give away things you do not need.

Most of all do not do things with an expectation to get something in return, like recognition. This attitude means you have not provided a blessing but a mere obligation, people will see through that in 2 seconds flat too by the way. Life is better ultimately when we don't know the full outcome of the good things that we do, after all who isn't a fan of intrigue.

Well time to sign off, I hope this post has inspired you to stop the rigmarole and give yourself some added meaning next year. There really is no better currency then to judge your life on blessings. It will always give you grand perspective and keep you positive. 

Have a blessed day. Ciao!

My latest adventure

Currently I'm hauled up in Singapore awaiting my next flight through to Switzerland for a White Christmas and a European tour; I'm beyond excited. I have been waiting for this trip since Everest went pair shaped.

It's been a big year but what a superb way to end it touring Europe and catching up with old friends! I'm looking forward to Christmas decorations, laughter, new friends, adventure, the unknown and a wealth of inspiration from breathtaking scenery, idyllic cities and towns, lovely cultures and captivating history. I can't keep the smile off my face. 

I will try and update when I can. In the meantime I've pre-prepared a series of Christmas posts for my readers during my favourite season. I look forward to sharing tales with you in the near future. 

Enjoy the lead up to Christmas! Treat each other well.

Jules :)