Monday 18 March 2013

The latest...Tattoos & the like

Recently I have been thinking about a tattoo, its a cross between a treble clef and a cross, it is designed with the idea in mind that people may look at it and think that it is generic but to me it is more symbolic of the peace I experience when I sing & when I have faith. The thing is I have been toying with the idea in my mind that I should or shouldn't get it because why do I need a permanent reminder of what I already know to be real to me?

When I get stressed music comes out, I sing like Tina Turner at a football grand final and my mind is all clear to me. Singing is fun & easy, when I get it wrong I start again. Its the same with learning to play my guitar; stuff up, no matter, I write the string numbers on my fingers and I continue going until I have nice lines forming as reminders of my hardwork. I'm hoping just like this blogging progress will excite me & I will have evident reminders of work that has been achieved. That way when I look back I know those stressful times figuring things out on my journey to 'learning curve' was well and truly worth it. I know I'll get there. I hope so far though that you notice the few changes that have been made (along with some greatly appreciated help from Bettina and some other fabulous bloggers at Aussie Blogs to Love) & I look forward to etching in a beautiful page over time as I learn the blogging world the meantime I fear my  neighbours are going to experience the wrath of Jules in concert just a few more times! :)

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